Limiting traits resulting in retarded progress.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Always feeling inferior.

Do you have that classmate who always feel intimidated and withdrawn from every other person, that classmate who often gets bullied by other big boys in the class, I am certain that a lot of people will not want to become friends with someone who is like that, apart from school when such person gets into the social world if that same character is maintained, the person might not be able to mix and relate well with others in the social world or may even have slow growth also.



Feeling too bad about a failed attempt for a long time.

When we try something and fail it continues to play in our sub-conscious mind for a very long time thereby creating in us the fear to try anything else. Failure is sometimes bound to happen but moving on from that failure and getting to try again will bring a better future, keeping the mind focused on past failures will always result in a stagnant and retarded life.

The fear of change.

Being fixed to a particular pattern of doing things and becoming extremely scared of change is a constant reason for retarded growth. Change is supposed to be normal because sometimes change may result in open doors of opportunities and progress, but the fear of change will most likely result in stagnancy most of the time.

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Avoiding team work.

For some people they just want to live their lives alone without having anyone help them and that is a mentality that often results in not being able to accomplish something better, team work will most likely help you meet people who will make your job easier and make the road to success much more interesting, the fight against having people in your life will most likely result in being retarded towards growth.

The struggle against hard work.

We so much desire a comfortable life that we often struggle against anything that makes us uncomfortable and that even includes works that will generate good things for us. Do not be resilient against hard work, if you at any point need to work hard then you should put in your best to get the best result out of life even if it means you working hard to get it.


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