The Difficulty of Mining Increases With The Price

in Project HOPE3 years ago

The hash rate on the Bitcoin network has risen to an unparalleled high, this time over 150 million TH / s.

Meanwhile, the Bitcoin blockchain has seen another change that has expanded the levels of problems to a record level as well.

Bitcoin hash rate reaches new highs:

The hash rate is the unit of measure for the preparation power of Bitcoin.

The more miners use their computers to extract bitcoin, the higher the hash rate, which makes the framework more secure and robust.

With more than half of Bitcoin miners living in China, their behavior has a major impact on interaction.

The hash rate dropped to 100 million terrahash every second as the Chinese miners began to move after the swing season ended in Sichuan Province.

Despite this, the style immediately shifted as they got various pieces from the Asian country.

In less than two months, the retail price has recovered to previous levels and reached an all-time high at the beginning of January.

The recovery in retail price after the bustle of 2020/2021 was faster compared to a similar period in 2019/2020.

This means that despite the bitcoin mining prize being divided into equal parts in 2020, miners have not abandoned the organization, rather the opposite, and this is due to the rise in Bitcoin's value that covered the prize shortage.


Mining problem exceeding level :

While creating the Bitcoin Organization, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a system of restraint that could make it more annoying or simpler for diggers who relied on their dynamic number.

Accordingly, the organization tests a programmed tuning scale per 2000 (generally like a clock).

The general standard suggests that having different rigs will make mining more difficult.

All things considered, when there is external movement, as happened during the period of versatility of Chinese diggers as we have indicated above, the framework will make mining simpler.

Obviously, the Miners are actively using their tools to get rid of the organization, which means the new mod was important to make it even more troublesome.

The information confirms that there is a 5% increase in the mining problem, with the problem reaching another unparalleled height of the scale.


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Muy interesante tu post, tema cuando en Venezuela se está convirtiendo como un escape, ante la inflación que vive el país. Vemos a la criptomoneda como un refugio.
Debido que nuestro país tenemos una hiperinflación muy larga, nos han obligado a buscar otras formas o métodos para obtener recursos económicos para poder por lo menos alimentarnos.
La alternativa la tenemos en la minería de criptomonedas, el cual es adoptado cada vez más por nosotros que vivimos en Venezuela, y principalmente por tener a bajo costo un servicio eléctrico.
Saludos desde Venezuela, lo comparto en mi cuenta