Ant expenses, why should we control them?

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Blessed community day, this is my first post for you, I thank @josevas217 for all his support, patience and guidance in this process of resuming writing, friend, THANK YOU!

After thinking a lot about what topic I could address, I thought, why not write about a topic that I have read, analyzed and put into practice for a few weeks, well, although I think it is better to say that I have not put it into practice. I explain why.


Let's start by relating the word ant with something small, already related it is easy to deduce that the expenses ants are minimal expenses, I would say that in many cases they are imperceptible, but that added in a year or in a long period of time they become a really significant sum of money. It is easy to keep track of expenses such as rent, bank debts and public services because they are notorious, and we do not even want to think what happens if they are not paid, but these ant expenses add little by little, expenses like a coffee, a candy, a alms, paying for a taxi service when you could take the bus or walk, fast food, cigarettes, beers ... the list is long.

Mainly we must identify them, review them and go through a question that has left me without flavors but has worked for me, Is it necessary?


Yes, it is necessary. Well, we take note of it to keep our monthly, bi-monthly, semi-annual or annual control, as you wish, the important thing is to start being aware of our expenses.

No, it is not necessary. Nothing happens! It is replaced, what I mean, sometimes it is more delicious and economical to have coffee at home, prepare that hamburger, walk a little. (IMPORTANT: I'm not talking about being stingy, I'm talking about reducing expenses ant)

Once identified and passed through that question of rigor, we can consider setting a personal goal, using that surplus of money for savings, which in the future could become a trip, project, investment, something really significant and transcendental.

We live in the constant line of: is it necessary or not? (Well, it happens to me), and being honest, most of the time it is not necessary to eat 3 times a week in restaurants or ask for addresses, buy soft drinks or sweets every day, maintain a vice such as cigarettes, from my point of view In view, reducing these expenses more than helping our economy helps to improve our lifestyle.

Finally I want to leave you a personal example of ant expenses:


Only in one week I can spend $ 29, now let's multiply it by 4 weeks, it's $ 116 per month.
In other words, in one year I am spending $ 1,392 without even noticing it.

I hope this post has been to your liking, until another opportunity.




It is an interesting topic and certainly common among many, as it is part of habits that are acquired over a long period of time. Personally I believe that they can be controlled but not eliminated, because a taste is necessary for those who work hard and everything cannot revolve around that. In Venezuela something curious is happening, sometimes it is cheaper to eat out than to prepare food at home, because the high cost of the products cause excessive spending.

I agree with you, a countryman, in our country an incentive is necessary, I was encouraged to deal with this issue since I moved to Colombia, in another country it is very easy to spend money on an outing, or on sweets, more when we come from a spending restriction as there are in my country. Then I had to start working on controlling those expenses, ant hehe.

Greetings friend, welcome to this great team of project.hope, I was hooked with your article, because it seems to me that you are very right with the expenses you mention, which are very well called ants expenses, because, many times we ignore how harmful it can be for our economy for example expenses in vices such as cigarettes. To be efficient in our finances we must keep an exhaustive record of our income and expenses, in this way we achieve a beneficial balance that will make us economically efficient.

See you later, have a great weekend !

What a pleasure that the subject has been to your liking. That's right, when we pay attention to expenses, we are surprised how they can affect our economy.
happy weekend!

Hello @nahela

Welcome to Project Hope.
Thank you for posting in our community.

Concerning the subject of your publication, many consider them "necessary" as a reward for the week's hard work or a way to pamper you, perhaps they may even consider it "a necessity".
In particular, experience has taught me that these expenses can be controlled and adjusted on a case-by-case basis, but it will depend on the individual.

Excellent reading, thanks for sharing.

Happy weekend!

Thanks for the welcome and for taking the time to read my post, that's right, it's just to control them, start with identifying them.
Happy weekend to you !

I drink a lot of coffee, and I used to buy it from local stores, I calculated the price and it was over 1000 dollars a year. After that I make my own coffee in my house every morning xD

I understand you perfectly, something similar happens to me, I love sitting in the park with a cup of coffee, I keep doing it only in less quantity.
happy weekend, thanks for reading!

Hello friend, welcome to the community, I think I had not seen you here, a good topic some time ago I wrote about the same thing and certainly these expenses can make us fail with our monthly planning, we can spend more than we want without realizing it. They are simply very small expenses that slowly turn into a giant snowball. Greetings and thanks for sharing!

hello dear, i'm new around here, learning about this community.
That's right, once we recognize those expenses we can make the effort to control them.
happy Sunday.