Break Away From Friends and Families Who Want to Ruin your Business.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

If success is truly desired, it is often advised to check your circle of friend and acquaintance properly, friends hold a very serious power over our lives and they are capable of turning our lives into something we are either proud of or displeased about.

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I was having a discussion with a young man who owns a barbing salon and he was lamenting so much about how he was broke and in so much debt, I was surprised because from what I saw he was always having customers in his business place, he was always working real hard, but he went further to explain that majority of the job he does was free.

Who runs a free business I screamed aloud, he was telling me about how he could not resist the urge with pleasing his friends who wanted to have their hair cut for free and since he also gets free things from them whenever he goes to their business place, it is a kind of vis-à-vis situation.

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I sat down to study their way of life and I realized that their circle of friend were not ready to have financial growth, they are satisfied with eating for a day and they are just fine with it. For anyone of them to break off from that low mentality, he must be ready to break free from that circle of friend and possibly even change location.

Every business person requires a push at one point or the other in their life, surrounding yourself with the wrong friends will never get you the motivation you require to succeed, take a look at the example I gave above again, the circle of friends are comfortable with destroying each other’s business instead of helping each other build their business.

Friends are supposed to be a source of encouragement so if you have friends who are not concerned with watching your business grow, it is important to stay away and break free from friends like that, I think it is even more easy when your group of friends are entrepreneurs like you, they understand the game so all of you can help each other up together but I was surprised to see how these group of young business men choose to live, taking advantage of each other and ruining each other’s business.

This is not applicable to just friends, even some relatives fall into this category as well, if you have family members who are just bent on taking from your business all the time then you should have a re-think by either explaining the situation of things to them or just changing location completely to save your business.

Thank you for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba.


Greetings friend, I share your point of view, we must create limits with friendships, always respecting their point of view, but without allowing their lifestyles to influence our lives, much less business. You could be entering a vicious circle, which will not allow you to leave the comfort zone in which they are, without generating ventures.

See you later, have an excellent weekend!

Thanks for the feedback friend.

Both in the workplace, home, family, neighbor and people we have aspirations and goals in our lives, since one has to emerge and have a positive mind. with the fact that we always need support, but not from toxic bolt, but from people who really want to grow in every way, because it would tie us to monotony with nothing and empty.

We need to surround ourselves with those who see it as a desire for us to grow, thanks for the feedback.

Hello friend, the people around us are an important point to achieve what we want to achieve, so the ideal would be to surround ourselves with people who have our same aspirations and desire to move forward. It is also important that we set the limits in our company.

The limit is very important, there should be a place for family affairs as well as a place for business.

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Hello @oluwatobiloba
A very basic but compelling theme. It is real, many times we can have friends or relatives who are nothing but a limitation for us to achieve what we are looking for. In the end we are the ones who know where we want to go, and if there is something or someone who does not allow it, it is best to step aside.

I agree with you, knowing when exactly to step aside is going to save our business.

Good article, it is common that in Latin countries we confuse friendship with economic benefits, especially if the friend has a food business or some basic service.

It is very common but we need to learn how to put a stop to it.