Categories of Financial Attitude and the Best Way to Navigate.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

There is no single direct route to making money, people build up wealth through different means just like there are various types of occupation so do people do things differently to get their funds but the most important thing is not to get the finance but rather to sustain the finance obtained. There are various financial habits just like they are various genotypes and blood group but you have to understand your own blood group knowing the things you must avoid and the things you have to carefully consider is the most appropriate way to stay healthy irrespective of your blood group and the same principle is applicable in finance.

The risk takers.

The majority of people that fall into this category are the investors and traders, it takes risk to invest in a project that you are not certain of its survival. Buying stock at a low or high rate and hoping for profit takes a lot of risk and it even takes more risk to keep investing after you have lost at some point.

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As good as it is to become a risk taker, the risk taker must develop some control against investing all his funds in one spot because some projects may appear very promising and you just put everything you own into it only to realize that it is a failure which will definitely result into depression, in order to avoid depression as a risk taker, you have to carefully study the project and take baby steps at a time, then also learn to diversify your income into various projects and investments.


An hoarder is the type that is basically very concerned about savings, she does not like the fact that someone is spending so much and for her a luxurious vacation, an expensive dinner or expensive clothing’s is not her thing, she just wants to save and save.

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For someone with this financial habit, it is advisable to divide your income into different segment, let a percentage be for savings, differentiate one for taking care of yourself, your bills and expenses should take the other sector, and always bear in mind that if you have worked you have the right to a little bit of luxury.

A Social Spender.

A person with the habit of a social spending usually loves to buy things for themselves, for their family members and almost everyone around, they find pleasure in always shopping and basically they shop for the things that are not needed, now how will someone with such a habit save for the future?

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The simple answer is through budgeting. Sticking to a great budget plan is the way a social spender will do other necessary things with finance asides spending.


A mogul is usually one who always lives for luxury those ones who love to drive the expensive cars, wear the most expensive jewelleries, eat in very high-classed regions and they mostly do not care about savings or investments they are just concerned about the moment and that is all for them and the major reason why they mostly do this is to show people on social media how great their life has become.

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The solution to this issue is to limit the social media presence, once you have limited your flaunting attitude on social media it is going to help you restrain yourself from getting unnecessary things, it is wrong to live a lavish lifestyle today on the media having people wish they were like you and do not have anything to show to yourself and your family tomorrow when the social media congestion is gone.

Financial ostrich.

This category of people may have gone through some bad financial issues and have developed a sort of depression about speaking about their finance, the bills keep piling up and they do not even want to rise up to responsibility. The best thing will be to talk with someone who will be able to guide you through making good financial decisions and walking with you through paying off your loans and taking charge of your financial life again.

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It does not matter the type of category you find yourself, you can become better and smarter about your finance, you only need to take charge and walk with the right persons, if you don't mind sharing the category you belong to I will like to know through the comment section. Thanks for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba