Climbing Through the Ladder of Entrepreneurial Success.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

A good number of us like to only look at our current situations, there are only few people who think in the way they want their future to be and they walk in that light. It might be difficult to do and you may even have friends and families mocking you.

Imagine someone who is broke and maybe does not even have enough money to eat a decent meal, but he daily desires the post of a manager, he had saved up to purchase two suits and every Monday to Friday, he carries out the petty job that puts food on his table dressed up in an almost faded suit and tie, people started to think he was crazy because he usually tells himself and anyone that cares to listen that he was walking in the path of being a manager.

On a faithful day, a wealthy man came and he saw how hardworking the young man was in carrying out his daily job, he invited him for launch, the wealthy man listened to his story and his desire to become a manager and after two weeks he finally became a manager with an official house and car, if you desire success or a greater path, walk the path.

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It is possible to only desire something and not work towards its achievement, from the story I mentioned above, the young man did not only desire the post of a manager and remained in his house hoping that someone will work into his bedroom to offer him an opportunity. Opportunities look for those who are treading the desired path, so while you desire and say it, you have to walk through the path as well. Do you desire to own a mall? Then begin to see yourself in that light and walk the path.

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I once read in a book written by a Richard Templar, where he advised that no one should know how hard we work, and personally I do not even think people even care about how hard you work, I think the basic thing everyone expects is results. Once there is no result coming from your hard work, then it is utterly useless (that sounds a little bit harsh, I know).

Another vital thing is having a plan, like a business plan, what you want to achieve in few days, few months, and few years to come. Take up the process of growth and begin to follow your plans adequately.

Be nice to the members of staff, customers and everyone around you, being disrespectful will cost you more than you think, think differently, plan differently and achieve an outstanding result. Thanks for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba.