Elon Musk and Steve Jobs; Who is More Innovative

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Tesla has been able to bring a change to the world of vehicles just the same way Apple made a great change to the mobile phone industry. Electric Vehicle or EV as it called has been a great move towards having a better climate as well as help to solve the climatic problems in the world. Tesla’s Elon Musk has been compared with a lot of people and one major person is Steve Jobs. Truthfully, the both parties revolutionized their industries with Steve Jobs revolutionizing the way people operated their phone instead of using Keyboard.


The both innovators are great but according to Bill Gates, you can’t confuse Elon Musk for Steve Jobs as he said that Jobs was able to select good team members, sales person and so on. Bill gates having a strong influence in the market say the Tesla stocks may be overpriced but for others, this is not the same.

The two kings are the most impressive when it comes to technological revolutions starting with Pixel and the iPhone of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk’s Self driving car and self-landing rockets. Adding to the automobile industry, the space industry, the battery industry, and the world of Artificial Intelligence. Steve Jobs is synonymous to the iPhone.

Both Elon Musk and Steve Jobs are serial innovators but we if are to be true to one another, one is more of a serial innovator to the other. Elon musk’s first companies weren’t companies that were innovative, they came into a saturated market. For example, PayPal wasn’t innovative as it had other competitors around but it gained more grounds but Steve Jobs first business was Apple. The innovation of Jobs is completely different from Elon Musk.


hi @papa-mensa - it is definitely an interesting comparison. I always think Musk had luck to make his original money because PayPal wasn't his baby but he became apart of it and got very rich from it. However, he is a very intelligent and charismatic guy. I agree though, Jobs was an innovator and he also understood marketing. He made something special with Apple so that their products became a lifestyle rather than just tech.

Thank you for the great addition.

hi dear @papa-mensa the big difference is that Steve changed the world, he brought the PCs to people's homes with Apple and then with the iPhone he created touchscreen smartphones, he made a change in each person in the world, instead Elon revolutionized a sector nothing more, a detail to keep in mind is that Elon still lives and can do more things

Thanks a lot for the great addition, I sincerely appreciate it.

Hello friend, the truth is that I think both have achieved great things and are people who can be admired. Not everyone can reach so high, only the one who is constant and sacrifices can achieve great things. Greetings!