Review of Cryptobrewmaster – A craft brewery simulator blockchain game

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Cryptobrewmaster is a craft brewery simulator game launched on Hive blockchain. The game was launched in this month only and the Soft Alpha 1.0 version is available for playing. Recently Splinterlands, the top game of Steem, moved to Hive. There is a sudden rush to launch many new games on Hive. Cryptobrewmaster is the latest player. It is basically a card game. The players use several types of cards to craft brewer with different strategy & training.

The home screen

"Andriy Kysil, a pioneer of craft brewing from Kyiv, has been keeping the idea of developing the game for several years, and even made a prototype of a board game. But having discovered the possibility of creating games using the capabilities of blockchain technology - decided to start working in this direction.” – statement of the founders

The game basics

There is a character called brewmaster in the game. There is a beer factory where you can craft beer using different types of ingredients like water, malt, yeast and hops. The ingredients come from different ingredient cards. Presently you can collect the cards from in-game activities free of cost. You can sell the produced beer and collect in-game currency. There is a pub where you can buy different kind of beers also. You get daily quests in the game and there are different tasks too.

The brewhouse where you make beer

The daily quests where you earn cards

You can sell your produced beer here

The taplist to buy beer

Different cards of the game

Currently, the makers have launched Alpha 1.0 version only and the game has limited features. As per them, the six months roadmap is final and they will be updating it every 2 weeks. Cryptobrewmaster looks cool. Yes, it takes a good time to play the game but the addicted gamers won’t care. The game also has an upcoming marketplace where you can do peer to peer trading of different cards and in-game assets. The game economy is going to be ready very soon.


Join Cryptobrewmaster game here (contains my referral link)

Get a Hive account here

Check the Hive page of @cryptobrewmaster and give a follow.


Hello friend @parasismo
I really don't have much idea what it's like to play any of these games.
I don't know, but I do know that this is an important area of development within the Blockchain.
I'm sure it will give a lot more to talk about.

Sure. Such blockchain games have good future.

What does 'Beer Energy' do? I've bought two beers; the drinking animation is cool.
Then I get 'Beer Energy' for a few minutes, but I can't find what it does for me.

Beer energy is required for your activity. The game is in alpha.Keep on collecting game money and cards. All are free. You will surely derive value out of this. :)