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RE: Digital transformation as a means to overcome the post-pandemic economic crisis

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Greetings dear friend @lupafilotaxia.
As usual, this is an extraordinary article that you present us in this opportunity because your opinion is very accurate. The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic has left deep traces in the economic crisis at a global level, and this time it presents us with a wonderful and accurate aspect to consider in order to structure the mechanisms to overcome or stabilize the economic crisis left by the Covid-19.

Without a doubt, the digital transformation at all levels will play a fundamental role in the proposed purpose, as you so rightly propose and develop it.

Thank you for sharing such excellent content with all of us. Successes friend and happy year to you and your family and may this year bring many blessings to all of you.


In effect, the owners of companies located in countries with little or no technological and digital culture are literally obliged to use digital mechanisms to achieve the overcoming or economic stabilization left by the post-pandemic