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RE: The power of patience in all our projects and investments

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Good things take time... and a lot of effort.
It's not for everyone to "get rich fast" and even the worlds richest had to have patience building something from the ground up.

Stay positive! 👍


Thank you very much for commenting @tanjakolader
Yes, people want everything fast, they want it as soon as possible, and the reality is that things don't always work that way, in fact almost never.
You have to be patient. And work constantly.

Trying to teach that to my younger cousins and the younger generation when I get the opportunity to, but at the end of the day it's their own choice. But I do warn them that most "get rich fast" methods are mostly schemes and that they should be careful for that.

get rich quick, I've heard that and no doubt it's chaos, it ends up being a scam most of the time... certainly.
And yes, it's up to each one of us to decide how to do it.