Still new in business - A guide is definitely needed

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Anything you are doing in this life, remember that you need someone in that field that has more experience to guide you. I have seen many people who thinks they are island, they think they can achieve things on their own. If you are that type of person, you should kill such ego down, there is nobody who is an island in this world, we all need each other.



There is this my uncle who was building his house, all he keeps saying is that nobody should know about what he is doing. He wants to make this a secret, you know they are some family that don't want such good news, if they hear that you are doing fine, they will start hunting you. This is familiar in Africa especially the country I came from, Nigeria.

With all this being put together, he decided to make this private. He never in any way let the cat out of the bag, he believes he can do it himself. He kept to his promise and remain mute. Because he was not that rich, he was building the house gently and slowly. The progress was slow but he believes he can do it. This is a good thing but truth be told because he was not letting this out, he entrust everything to his engineer. Any amount he has he will send it to his engineer.

He kept doing this and along the line he met a friend who told him he was building his house. The friend was building same house with his. He asked his friend how much he has spend altogether and he discovered that he and his friend are in same building stage. He ask how much his friend has spent to that stage and his friend said he has spent roughly $8000 while my uncle has spent over $19000. He was shocked when he saw the price difference, he kept mute because he knows that the difference could have taken his building to the final level.

He got home looking like he was poured cold water. He was just thinking about his life and he realises that he should have let one or two person knows about it. Assuming he did that, hw could have at least seen someone who could have guide him on what he should be doing instead of bestowing everything on his engineer. Take for instance if his engineer gives him some charges, he will asked those on that field just to confirm if his engineer is saying the rightful thing or not. He realises he has made a big mistake, he has wasted money while thinking he was wise. He changes his approach and he noticed that his friend was right, the prices his friend gave him was right compared to what his engineer has been given him. The essence of this story was to let you knows that when it comes to business or whatsoever things that you are doing in life you should know that you need to seek other persons guide so that you don't make some silly mistake.

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Taking this post to the business aspect I have seen some person who have one or two business in mind, instead of seeking for guide, they will feel like going into it all by themselve is the best. This is the island I am referring to. Stop trying to cut corners, you might get burnt along the line.

When you keep seeking for one guide or the other, you will see someone who will surely put you through along the line. If you want to do it yourself, it is good but the tendency of you having some challenges along the line is around the corner. This is the reason I came up with this topic. When you are into business you should make sure you seek guide, this will help you along the line.

A friend of mine is planning on starting a business, he told me about it and I directed him to somebody who I know is into such business. I asked him to seek guide from different person too, this will help and guide him along the line. He did this and just some few days back he came to me and told me he is really grateful. Those I redirected him to and those he met too really guide him on what to do. He has started his business and he is now doing fine despite being a beginner. This is interesting to hear and this is a good way to start.


To round up this post, when you are about to start a business or anything in life, you should seek guide from those ahead of you in that field. If you do this, you will see yourself doing fine along the line. At least you now have experience and guide to work with.

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Asking for advice from someone who has had experience in business certainly gives us an advantage to be able to align ourselves at the level of the great businessmen.

Greetings my friend and thank you for your contribution.

Thanks to you dear friend. Nice comment

There is this my uncle who was building his house, all he keeps saying is that nobody should know about what he is doing. He wants to make this a secret, you know they are some family that don't want such good news, if they hear that you are doing fine, they will start hunting you. This is familiar in Africa especially the country I came from, Nigeria.

It is also familiar in india. It seems your uncle had terrible experience some engineers overcharging Unnecessarily which is not good and there should be a new law for this thing in the country.

If was thinking it happens in my country alone. But nonetheless, it is a lesson learnt.

I believe that doing a business is better idea but before starting we must go through a proper research find planning because this is very important part. as you mentioned about taking second opinion is also quite important because this way we can get to know about various aspects which we can't think and in this situation it's helpful. it's difficult to predict where their business will be successful not in advance however doing it for long run with hard work and dedication makes it success many times

Yes, we shouldn't see our self as island you have to make sure that you seek from advice and guide from those ahead of you.

Hello @tfame3865
We live in a totally interconnected world, it's absurd when we just want to isolate ourselves. It's not about telling everyone what we want to do, but there are specific people to follow who could guide us in those complicated processes. I think the need for good mentors is becoming more and more a reality.

Very good post with a good story, I agree with you, always for anything in life you should look for referents, guides, counselors, especially in business, where there is so much competitiveness. Greetings

Hello friend, it is true, sometimes we think we can handle everything and it is not so, asking for help is not wrong, on the contrary, it makes us see that like other people we still have a lot to learn. Looking for a guide is a great option when we want to undertake, we will not always know everything, we must be humble. Greetings!