PancakeSwap: Sweet Fluffy $CAKE Good for You?

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Little over a week ago, I started making pancakes. I was pretty skeptical about cute cuddly animal stuff and fluffy pancakes.
On top of that it is on BSC, so it is pretty hard to deal with BNB and CAKE stuff since Binace doesn't want to work for me.
But I found a way, not a very good way or easy way, but I can deal with BNB and all the Binance "ERC20" tokens now.
Also ETH DeFi is kind of out of my reach since the gas prices and all that is too much for me to handle so I was looking for an alternative anyway, so that is how my pancake making started.
I started small.
Transaction fees are pretty cheap on BSC so it makes sense start small and play around a little... unlike ETH DeFi.

Anyway, my cake making skill went okay for few days, it was about $0.50 a day in $CAKE.
AND when I started $CAKE was about $5 and 1 week later it is over $15 so I feel pretty about $CAKE right now... (i dont know how long it is going to last though.)


So I moved a little more ERC20 tokens to PancakeSwap and now I am making about a half $CAKE a day which it about $10 right now! That is plenty fluffy, but do you guys think this is just a cute cuddly gimmick? or CAKE, BNB for real?



Anybody else doing PancakeSwap? How is your experience like? I would like to know.



Hi You should try MOCHISWAP, its not even 4 days old and they could be bigger then pancake.. I've been reviewing them lately, and just posted a few of my thoughts. It's less then half the supply and the pools just started so the mining is great now for early users

Cool cool I am going to check that out right now.

Enjoy the profit and cool you make a nice $10 a day!

pancake probably the best Defi coin out their