print books instantly


greetings to the community of PH I hope you are well and with great enthusiasm in the future, in this article I will tell you about a machine that the truth seemed surprising when I found out, is the printer called "dragon" which is a very ingenious machine that prints books in less than ten minutes, according to its creators is very ingenious solution to a very old problem of bookstores, I hope you like it and you can leave a comment.

the dragon printer, is a high speed printer that by printing any book quickly and easily solves the problem of having a large number of hard to sell books stacked in a warehouse, the machine prints any book in less than seven minutes, with this concept the bookshop makes it possible that while customers are waiting for their book to be printed they can enjoy a coffee or check out other books, this solution of printing only the books that are requested is a real genius and a solution to a problem of transporting and storing books.

The main problem for bookshops is that they have limited space and have to put in the windows the books that they think will sell the fastest, the most fashionable titles and the most requested by customers so they can only stock a small amount of these books as long as they can sell as no bookshop wants to invest in boxes of books that will not sell and will spend years in the shop, On the other hand the demand for paper to print books is not something that is very environmentally friendly so only printing books that are going to be sold is a wonderful idea that has an impact in many areas.

Its creators The Lantia group started operations in their bookshop "isla de papel" located in sevilla spain, for them avoiding the typical "out of print title" and reducing the cost of storing books is the priority not to mention that they can support independent authors more effectively.

Personally I believe that modern society is oriented to maximize the resources we have and new inventions are oriented to reduce the consumption pattern that generates waste and damages the environment, the future that awaits us my dear readers are electric cars that do not pollute, drones, machines that print only what we need at the time we need it and a more ecological awareness about the only planet we have this ecological route seems to be the path that humanity saw as an alternative for a better future.

In conclusion Just imagine going to a bookstore and asking for a book and the salesman tells you that he will print it in less than ten minutes, you can have a coffee, consult other books and in less than fifteen minutes pay for the book and that's it, a very good concept that solves many problems making "book printing on demand" a success that will soon expand more in the world.

if you want to know more about this invention that for the moment is only available in spain here you have the link of its creators I hope you like it.

created by:@trabajosdelsiglo


Wow! Great find here. This is a crazy-good technology. I, too, love having a "real" book in my hands. This technology is the best of both worlds. I can imagine that they'll actually be able to bind and cover it any way you like as well. If you like big words and hardcover. Done. If you want a smaller version and paperback. Done.

Really, really great idea! Thanks for sharing. And also for providing the link. Definitely going to check that out!

Hello friend, the truth would be great, I am a supporter of the old hehehe I like to read books but in physical, I think it's better, certainly we should think a little more about our environment but there is nothing like reading a book and being able to touch and smell it. It would be a great idea in my opinion. Greetings!

I think it's great, I would definitely use this method. I like reading a book in physical rather than on screen.

Hello @trabajosdelsiglo, "printing books on demand" is a very useful option to solve and/or reduce the problems of limited storage space, transportation from distributors or publishers and inventory turnover in bookstores.
Very good idea the use of the dragon printer, for its ability to print a book in less than seven minutes..... That is speed
Thanks for sharing this information
Best regards friend

Its creators The Lantia group started operations in their bookshop "isla de papel" located in sevilla spain, for them avoiding the typical "out of print title" and reducing the cost of storing books is the priority not to mention that they can support independent authors more effectively.

It seems to me that this is the most important essence of this printer. Being able to support freelance registrants is very important, and I mean that from my perspective as a writer.

I hope that this initiative is sustainable, and that the cost of this printer is not too high so that it can be used in any business.

Visualize a future in which we can all have access to this type of device in our own home or anywhere simply by paying a small commission that is not exaggerated.