The myth of employment.


Greetings to the Project Hope community

I want to start by talking about a personal experience that happened several years ago and how it changed my financial direction and my goals.

A few years ago, when I was studying at the university with the objective of obtaining a degree to get a job that would allow me to generate income to buy a house, a car and have a decent life; it was at that moment that I was invited to a network marketing meeting and I really did not imagine that it would be so transcendental in my life. I say this because in my mental scheme you could only earn money through a good job and that to be able to access a well paid job you needed to have several years of experience and also the luck to work in a solid company, so with all that in mind, I decided to attend the mentioned sales conference

while listening to the music, sharing the emotionalism, exposing the offers of a miraculous product, in short, the typical thing done in this kind of meetings. Everything went on normally until the end of the conference when the members of the organization began to present their results, some of them earning a minimum wage, others two and so on.

One of the members was a 13-year-old girl who came on stage and mentioned that she was earning about 10 minimum wages in her part time. I remember thinking how is that possible? How she keeps her schedule, how she studies, how she sells so much and so many things that in a nutshell broke a very strong paradigm in me and is the basis of this article.

Every job is a myth, the word job is synonymous with usage, that is, eight hours of a person's time is used at the convenience of an employer who will pay him the minimum wage that the law says. After that I thought that if it wasn't with a job, how could I make money? the answer was to sell a product or provide a service. Starting from this premise I was concerned about learning other ways to generate income and along the way so many things that helped me face the crisis that my country is experiencing.


I decided of my own free will not to be used by others, and to strive to create an income generation system that would work for me in order to achieve that dignified life, which I now call financial freedom.

I do not want to make this article long as its purpose is to let you know that employment did not always exist. People used to trade to accumulate wealth and it was after the industrial revolution that this system was put in place; it has been restructured due to the pandemic.

You should not be afraid of change, since we have very powerful tools to generate money that are linked to information that is free, you can literally acquire skills for this new period of human life, learn what is most in demand and how to use the media in trend.

Go to Twitch and see how many young people have special channels where they play videos and because they are your affiliates they charge you at least 4 $, imagine that a young person with a PC and a community of subscribers of 1000 affiliates can generate 4000 $ a month and if you add that you are living in a country where you can live comfortably with 500 $ as any Latin country; it turns out to be a formidable option.

Or in more controversial cases, is that of a young woman who was a trend on YouTube for a song in which she promotes a network called onlyfans where being affiliated cost around $ 30, this girl had no more and no less than 32 thousand affiliates that generated in a month almost a million dollars, and while that happens many people suffer for fear of losing their jobs as for example in Venezuela that hopefully can generate $ 30.


In conclusion, everything is changing and we must change with the world or we will be condemned to a life of limitations, fear and an eventual heart attack. In the current situation we should not be fatalistic, on the contrary we should understand the amount of opportunities that exist and train ourselves for this new stage of life in which we have to assume the challenges with courage and a little bit of curiosity.
. I hope you enjoy reading it. Greetings.

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Note :
This is not financial advice. These are personal thoughts based on my experience.

Written by:@trabajosdeliglo