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RE: Finance and Economics: Just an Adult Issue?

My family plays Kiyosaki's game, Cashflow. We started years ago and did not play it too often because it could take a full day. These days, it take about two hours because you can track your transactions on a phone or tablet.

My oldest daughter has expressed her gratitude for teaching her the game because it has helped her understand and talk business with her managers. My other children have not yet entered the workforce. However, they are aware of the strategies to get out of the rat race. They get better at it with each play.

I had not considered having my children get involved in paying bills. I think this is something we still have time to implement before the two youngest leave the house.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Thanks for your good comment @travelwritemoney. I haven't played cash flow, but I do have it very much in mind as something I want to do. Once in digital, it makes the process easier. It was immortalized Or the term "rat race", the analogy is very good, it's true. But just having a sense of that reality makes you able to get out of it. How good you can teach your children about finances is very necessary. Congratulations on that.