Creating Unique Content As A Blogger

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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These days people confuse the ability to just scribble anything and posting it with quality unique content. Blogging isn't just about you because if it was, you might as well hang your works in your room for your view only. Blogging is for the audience and so to catch their attention as well as retain it you have to create, fresh original and trendy content. A lot of people these days have short attention span and so it's important that you write a piece that keeps them hooked and wanting more. If you are not writing what people will be interested in you would be wasting your time as well as efforts.

To create unique content it has to be original because plagiarism is a crime and people can tell a fake from an original. Blogging is like giving the world a window to your thoughts and opinions on different topics. People want to know your thoughts and perspectives on a particular topic or issue. If you are always thinking of the fastest way to drop content you will continue to produce inferior and poor content that no one would be interested in.

To create unique content you also have to write on relevant topics. I know you are probably wondering if that isn't part of following the crowd. It will be awkward for you to talk about summer in winter and so it's important that you write about things that are happening in the society or in the business industry at the moment. For example a change tax policies, the rate of cryptocurrency and so on. People will want to know what's the latest on certain topics and so they will search for blogs that can give it to them. You can write it from a completely different angle, that way you won't seem like every other blogger out there and it will be original as well.

You could also pull ideas from your own personal experience. This triggers people's interest because they will be interested in knowing what happened and how you dealt with it as well as lessons you learnt. It is quite different from the norm that they are used to and so they will be interested in reading. For example"My experience at the covid-19 vaccine clinic" , this topic is relatable to a large audience and with the rumors on the vaccine people will be interested in knowing how it went and possibly decide if they will get the vaccine as well.

Before you start to write a piece, make sure to do your research on everything related to it. That way you would have a wider knowledge on it and also help you tailor your writing better to suit the audience. It will also give you new ideas as well as open your eyes to different angles you could take in writing your piece. That way you won't write a boring or irrelevant piece. It is also important that you keep a journal handy in case interesting ideas pop up. That way you can have ideas ready and plan for your next piece.


Hello friend, the creation of content is certainly very important and more when others read it, ideally it should be of quality and referred to a certain number of people who may be interested, for example, if I want to publish something about health surely people who dominate the area will be interested in my post. Thanks for your advice, greetings.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the April 1st Hive Power Up Day

Creating something beautiful, interesting and knowledgeable for our audience should be the target of a blogger. Bloggers really needs to do everything within their power to achieve this.

Hi dear friend @valchiz

Blogging is like giving the world a window to your thoughts and opinions on different topics

Blogging is not as easy as people think, you need to start your writing very well to capture the attention of readers, very good publication and good advice

If you are not writing what people will be interested in you would be wasting your time as well as efforts.

Unless this is your hobby and you enjoy every minute you are working on your content... In any case, great post. It will be a helpful remainder for many people on this platform.

I believe that bloggers need to be curious people, because only curious people will find answers and have thoughts that will make it interesting for the readers. I know artists receive funds and support in nations to see new places, which again will give inspiration to create more. In the same way, bloggers also need inspiration and to see new things and be creative, in order to have inspiration and be able to write interesting content!