How To Make Money In 2021

in Project HOPE3 years ago

2021 started red but with time it has gradually gone green for many. Although the pandemic is still at large with some countries reporting another eave, for some it is gradually reducing due to the vaccines. Businesses, schools and other activities are being resumed, something we thought would be impossible for a very long time. While some people are still licking their wounds from the previous year, some are smiling to the bank. The dynamics of businesses have changed , what used to be in vogue has gone obsolete , the dynamic of the business world has changed and so what made profit in previous years is now a loosing scheme.

One of the ways people are making money this year is cryptocurrency which I rank first on my list. I missed out on the opportunity to go into it because of some challenges but I still regret it till date because it has soared so high it seems it will never come back down.
Incase you didn't know, cryptocurrency is a decentralized system using blockchain technology, in simple terms it is a market of digital currency controlled by demand and supply unlike the traditional currencies that are controlled by the economy or even the has so many coins with bitcoin being the oldest and has done wonderfully well this year. A lot of people made their first millions, while it might be too late to buy now because one bitcoin cost millions there are other coins that are showing just as much possibilities. The trick is to buy and wait for the market to do it's work.

Another way people are making money is dropshipping , while it was in vogue around last year it is still in vogue now. Due to the pandemic and people unable to go out, everyone had to resort to getting things deliver to us. In dropshipping, you sell products to a customer at your price but the supplier does the work of packaging and getting the product to your customers. It saves you the stress of doing these things manually. This actually works based on trust because some customers would never have gotten those goods from that supplier but because they trust and can rely on you.

A youtube channel can also help you make more money this year. People are stick at home due to the pandemic and automatically they are stuck with boredom and their children. They need something interesting and original to keep them happy and they are likely to find it in the most unusual things including food eating videos. Your content can be anything from talking about life in a rural environment to reviewing restaurants or even toys like the highest paid YouTuber Ryan who is just 7 but gets paid to review toys. You just need to figure out what people will want to watch , out of the box ideas that will capture their attention and key into it. When you have successfully built a high number of subscribers you can include youtube ads that will fetch you even more money.

There are many more ways to make money like affiliate marketing, becoming an influencer , offering online courses or even blogging. Study your environment or the current market and figure out what people want , then key into that to make your money this year.


I must say, these are very good tips on how to make money in this era. I know of a friend that does dropshipping and has been making lots of money from it even without owning a physical shop. This shows that money can be made both online and offline.
Nice piece buddy

You made me smile this hive you are doing is also cryptocurrency. Everything in life is for a purpose it not too late to get involved fully in cryptocurrency. You can monitor the price of hive when it falls you buy when it rise you sell.

2021 is a very difficult year for everyone as we all are dealing with covid-19 we have to work smart to earn money and double up our work load also to earn extra.

Hello dear friend, excellent advice, in this time of pandemic we have to learn to adapt to new changes. A youtube channel is great in fact I would like to have one, I think you can say and do many things through it, besides generating income. Technology today is our great ally and we must take advantage of it.