Mini Goals To Help Achieve Your Big Goals

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Often times you find yourself giving up over and over again when trying to meet a goal and wonder why it seems so impossible, perhaps you are trying to save up to buy a house, to loose weight or to become a professor or expert in a particular field. Most people just assume that it takes just one giant leap to reach their goals and this is the reason why even after months or years you find yourself nowhere near any of these goals.

For any goal no matter how big it might be, it requires calculated steps in the right direction and these steps are in the form of mini goals. Every great accomplishment is as a result of mini success and failures. These steps have to be realistic, smart, directional and time bound. Mini goals are goals that can be achieved in a space of two or three months depending on where exactly you are going. If you really want to make headway then it is important that you start small and paced. Setting mini goals doesn't meant you give up entirely on your bigger goals but simply a way of spreading your bigger goals out in a way that is easier to achieve step by step.

Let's take mountain climbing for example, to reach the top of a 20000 feet mountain you don't just wake up one day and start climbing hoping to get to the top sooner or later. You would be running back sooner than you expect, rather by breaking down the distance into smaller ones you can plan your breaks easier as well as your pace and so reach the top easier and faster. Just so with your bigger goals, when you know your plans you can then break them down and decide how to better reach them.

This will help you stay motivated and boost your confidence. Unlike with bigger goals which can seem quite discouraging when you are nowhere near them, but by achieving mini goals one step at a time you are motivated and skyped to keep going. It will also help your pace if you go about them as quick as you can and so you can be more productive.
Sometimes mini goals can also help you discover yourself even more. Opening your eyes to other talents or skills you never thought you had or could be good at. This will make you into a more versatile and well rounded individual, increasing your chances of success with your bigger goals. It will may also help you minimalize procrastination because mini goals are easier and faster to achieve. Since they require less effort and energy , the feeling of procrastination might reduce unlike with bigger goals.

Due to the flexibility of mini goals it's quite advantageous if you have other things like school or a job that takes more of your time. Achieving bigger goals might seem impossible but by spreading your bigger goals into mini goals you can easily attain them step by step over a long period of time.

Mini goals will help take away the fear and anxiety that come with big goals and so you are more relaxed with a clearer mind to reach your bigger goals.


Lovely post. Sometimes the little goals can add up to make big ones

yes that is true, thanks for reading through

You are very welcome

I believe that life without goals is meaningless and we must have something in place so that we can work accordingly and have something to work on every day. it's not that we need to have bigger goals that are difficult to achieve instead we can have smaller goals that we are able to achieve in shortest period of time and this way we will be more organized and our time will be much productive. Nice post.