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RE: Hive Engine Coin Leo earn Hive-Leo or Hive-Ethereum or just Ethereum

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Wow, finally an article to guide newbies here. I like the first and fourth ways. I like to create content and I would also like to curate but I do not have Leopower, as I am still very new here, still building myself.
And about the Ethereum tokens, I love that too, will check out the tagged name to be able to have a clearer idea on that subject. Thank you for sharing this article, I really appreciate

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hi @zellypearl
Your welcome. I am glad you found the article helpful. The ability to earn Ethereum is new, so I am glad you noticed it. The leadership is moving Leo token to Uniswap to tie its value to Ethereum and it has had a big effect on price appreciation. The move will also give the project more exposure outside of hive. The great thing about the Leo project is that ways to earn have increased over time and become more varied, so there's something here for many different personalities. Welcome to Leofinance, you will find the community very helpful and very friendly.

I pray I find it friendly and helpful as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta