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RE: Jumping into the Music For Life community with both feet!

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago

Hey Hey, welcome welcome back! :)

figuring out meat space stuff and learning some knew skills"

in combination with not playing music to much sounds like: women hunting and learning some new tricks in this area? {LOL} But maybe you are becoming a none-meat eater, or maybe turning from a vegetarian in a meat eater again :)

Great to read you gonna get access to your instruments again! Soon and we can expect some new music recordings from you? Can't wait!


Hah =) well, Probably not going back to eating meat anytime soon, but I guess it does concern women... well, just one woman really =P I've been trying to get residency in Portugal so I can live with my wife, been here for over a year without one thanks to the bank cartels little flu scam so thats a plus, might finally get one after my apointment has been rescheduled several times since I first made it a year ago now.

Unfortunately now it doesn't matter, I need to make some money and it's not going to happen here. wages are shit even if you can speak the language fluently which I can't. So making less than a living wage in a factory working for a globalist predator would be about all I could hope for here at this point. ok rant over.

I get to go play my bass again though! which is awesome. and hopefully make enough dosh doing construction to get my needs met and a bit extra. And hopefully I'll get to see my wife and dog again sometime soon...

Portugal is a beautiful country, but it's not high income one as far as I got to know that country. I do hope you can get something with the music going as well as the contruction side of things, since that seems to be a better options than factory work of some sort. Hope all will be sorted out sooner than later. Let the fun enter our lives again. I need a festival, a two week version to start with 😉

Ooh a nice music festival sounds just right.