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RE: It doesn't even have a name...

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago

There's a phrase in the photography world that goes something like "The best camera for the job is the one you have in your hand" (or pocket, or something)

I think it's broadly analogous to music. I know I've been guilty of getting hung up on gear and approach. When some of the best music I've heard has been made by one man and a guitar (go check out Roy Harper. Incredible work)

But it's art - there are no rules, really.

As I've said below - just keep doing. Give yourself little challenges just for yourself. Don't think about making music that others will hear - take that pressure away, and have some fun.

Think of silly things like Make a track exactly 60 seconds long just using 1 drum kit, but you have to use every sound in the kit.

Write a theme tune for an imaginary children's show. No more than 3 tracks allowed, and just 1 instrument.

Choose an instrument, hit record and just mash the keys or paint random notes on the screen. Then you have to edit it to make it sound good.

It's surprising how quickly you pick up little bits & bobs that you then remember when you come to write.

Oh - and don't be afraid at all of ripping someone else's beat/bassline/tune/etc off. If it gets you going, that's cool - you can then go back and tweak it using some of the stuff you learned while being silly. 😁😉


Nice one, buddy. I’m looking forward to trying out these tasks. Sounds like solid advice, much appreciated.

You're more than welcome.

I just made them up off the top of my head - it's just the sort of shizz I do when I get a bit stuck. Coming up with daft stuff to try can be fun. :wink:

But giving yourself silly restrictions forces you to think/work differently and you quite often learn stuff.

I’ve been doing the opposite and overloading myself with different sounds/instruments and then just getting in a mess which often leads to a rage quit 😂
I’ll try keep it simple from now on and build from there. Thanks again

Heh - yeah. Been there. Still visit occasionally. 😉

I used to just get overwhelmed with all the choice. I'd flick from sound to sound, playing little bits with each - bet never getting properly started.

It's the synth equivalent of wanting to watch a film, but then spending 30 minutes just browsing the Netflix menu! 🤣

It's the synth equivalent of wanting to watch a film, but then spending 30 minutes just browsing the Netflix menu!

You got that right!

Always find it strange how when you’re in the zone everything seems so easy and it all just flows. That’s what makes it so addictive I guess.