Rising Star - Game Status & Starbits Giveaway- 26...... Play And Earn...

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago

Hello all Music Lovers....


Rising Stars.....

Start as a lowly busker and work your way up to a global mega star!

Game Status

Unlocked the level 112, only 4328 more XP required to unlock the level 113😁


I love the game and making my position in the game slowly but steadily.

The ego meter is at 9%.

Completed 2760 missions in total.
Completed 41 missions after previous update.

Starbits Market


The Starbits trading at 0.00032 Hive and $0.000011. As compare to the last 24 hour data the price is slightly low in hive pair and Stablein USD pair.

Starbits Giveaway

I have give though on giveaway and decided to giveaway the Half Starbits earning every day (maximum earning from any mission, except STARBITS Millionaire).

Last day got 1987 Starbits from the Local Mini Tour Support so I will give away the 994 Starbits to one participant.


Rule - Their is no any special rule just comment anything (I am in or consider me in for the giveaway) or you can share the tip also. Please include the user name if you want the Starbits to any other account (other then the entry account).

Please check the Title of the post - Closed means the giveaway has been ended or check for the latest post.


In last Giveaway we have 15 participants.
Winner has been picked by https://snackaholic.github.io/hivefortune/en/#

Congrats to the @specialfeelings



Tagging @alekseidupin @amigareaction @andrewmusic @bitandi @carlosro @captaincryptic @cibersk8 @cryptoferyel @cryptoniusrex @deanlogic @ervin-lemark @gregory-f @handtalk5 @harpreetjanda @herbertholmes2 @horstman5 @imfarhad @irisworld @jeniffer23 @jfang003 @libertycrypto27 @linkxdx @mimismartypants @minimining @minus-pi @moonthumb @msaz13 @obeliscocoin @pablodare @philipmak @pixiepost @ricestrela @solymi @stickupboys @storiesoflove @stranger27 @tlundy47 @tokutaro22 @valdiva @viniciotricolor @yankosoito @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yocazo @zarwelius @zxion @zm187 @zonadigital21 @harpreetjanda @rupinder @kevinnag58

Please let me know if anyone don't want to get tagged.

If you are not playing the game and wanna earn Starbits token then you can use my referral link

Thanks for stopping by...

Posted via MusicForLife.io


Congrats to the winner!!

GL to you..




@deanlogic, you've been given LUV from @mk992039.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/3)

GZ to the winner!
Add me to the next!
Greetings an good luck to everyone!



@mk992039! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @cibersk8.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)

Best of luck for the draw..




@cibersk8, you've been given LUV from @mk992039.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/3)

I am in.

Enjoy the !PIZZA with !LUV

@mk992039, sorry. :(

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 3 times per day. To give more each day, check LUV Levels.



@horstman5! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

Estoy dentro

Counted you in ...

@mk992039, sorry. :(

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 3 times per day. To give more each day, check LUV Levels.

Congrats to the winner, please list me for the next :D!

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@mk992039! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @alejoca.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (4/10)

Love to see your participation again..



@alejoca! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)

Please enter me for the next draw.

Excellent... you are in for the giveaway...



@kevinnag58! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (4/10)

I'm in. Please tag me in the future.

Thanks for stopping by and participation..



@cryptogamerz! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (5/10)

The most efficient method I have found to reduce your EGO% is to build up your supply of instrument NFT's. I personally used the Custom Shop in the game to build as many Guitars as I could (later I spent some SWAP.HIVE to buy legendary Guitar NFTs). This will increase the maximum and minimum skill points you can earn per mission which lowers the EGO% (mine is currently 0% with a 10k fan buffer for drunk fans).

Capture l5.JPG

Capture Guitar Lesson.JPG

I am doing the same but at a small scale.
How many guitars do you have ?
My max skill earning is 32 😂

O wow 314 skills per mission..
Legendary are awesome...
Nice strategy



@dwarflordnoj! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (6/10)

I would like to be part of the next draw.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome dear..
Have some !PIZZA



@jfang003! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (7/10)

I am in.

our name has been listed,
Thanks for the !PIZZA



@chuckrick! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (8/10)

felicidades al ganador de hoy y quiero participar para el proximo, Yo quiero pronto tener la tarjeta Millonario pero me falta mucho , poco a poco lo lograre saludos a todos

Mis mejores deseos para el sorteo ...

@mk992039, sorry. :(

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 3 times per day. To give more each day, check LUV Levels.

Count me in please

Wonderful friend..



@irisworld! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (9/10)

Count me in for tomorrow's draw! !PIZZA



@mk992039! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mimismartypants.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

Fingers crossed



@mimismartypants! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (10/10)

Congrats to the @specialfeelings For winning today.
Please consider me in for tomorrow’s giveaway.
Good luck guys
!luv 2

Hello thanks

@mk992039, sorry. :(

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 3 times per day. To give more each day, check LUV Levels.

Congrats to the winner!
Please count me in for the give away.

Sure Dear

@mk992039, ¡lo siento!

Puedes llamar al bot PIZZA un máximo de 10 veces al día.

i want to participate again!

I am glad you are participating...

@mk992039, ¡lo siento!

Puedes llamar al bot PIZZA un máximo de 10 veces al día.

Hola, me gustaría participar en el sorteo

Buenas, vengo pasando para participar por los sorteos de rising star y dejando mi voto :D

Congratulations to the winner.
Please list me in for the next draw

You have been added in the list for next draw..




@worktight, you've been given LUV from @mk992039.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)



@worktight! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mk992039.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)