in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago

Hello, Rising Star Fans and music lovers!

I hope you will be fine and blessed i am here again with another post of rising star game after 3 weeks its been a long time that i did not shared a post about the rising star game so today i am here to share my game progress that i am playing daily.



Here is my gaming dashboard where you can see lots of things like the total cards, skills, and ego and also the active mission that you can see in the snap. As you know i am always doing the saturday headline mission which gives me some nice amount of starbit but this mission takes lots of time to complete like you have to wait it for 3 hours but will give you some nice amount of starbit earning.



Well, it was a difficult journey when i started the game and in start i played only the first mission and was no idea that how to play the game but was trying to engage with the game then some of the nice players of rising star game guided me that how you can play this game by holding some cards for specific missions and fans boosting. Then i started investing in this game with a little bit ratio that i bough round about 20 packs and owned some 68 cards so far in which i giveaways some cards and hold these cards for my game play. So now i reached here and almost the 500 mission is near to complete just need 5 more mission that i will share.

Rising Star Angels Dashboard


Same like the SPS staking the rising star angels dashboard have lots of slot for different NFT Sales where you can add your stake to earn some prfoit when the NFTs saled to someone. I have staked in many different slots like almost 30k starbit in the record staking pool and i earned round about 4k starbit so far from these staking which is not bad because in my wallet already these starbits are available and i am not selling it nor buying packs with it so better to stake in the record staking pool to earn some profit.



The use of birthday cake for restoring your energy to 100% for your next mission i am so happy that i bought this cake just with only little investment and it was only with 12k or 25k starbit i am not sure so this card can save your time to not wait for your next mission. However, the market price of vibes tokens and rising star packs also increased now you can buy packs with more vibes comparison to old price so i will buy some packs later with vibes or dec tokens to increase my cards holding.

image from Risingstar

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Best Regards @moeenali


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