TeleTuesday - Returning from out of nowhere (Faith no More Cover)

in Musicforlife 🎶2 years ago (edited)

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Well, it's been a while since I did something for TeleTuesday! Between my day job and the business that I have recently started, time has been very scarce. I managed to hire some people to help me out so things should be a little less chaotic from now on.

But let's cut to the chase! This week I'm brining a classic song that I love: From out of nowhere by the great Faith No More!

It's quite a simple song and yet a great one! I love Mike Patton's vocals and this is one of his greatest performances in my opinion.

One thing interesting about this video is that I used moises.aito create the backing track. If you don't know you should really check it out! I wrote an article about my first experiences with it and I think it's a really nice tool for musicians to have in their belts.

Gear-wise, nothing new: I used my loyal custom Tele, a cranked up Meteoro amp and a Boss OD-20 set as a TubeScreamer pushing the amp.

As you can probably notice, unfortunately the AI of is not perfect and it removed the iconic keyboard track along with the guitar part when I created the backing track which is a pity because those keys really fill up the song but I'm still very happy with the result,

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

▶️ 3Speak


Well, good to start again with the things we like to do, in your case, Tele Tuesday :)
I have slowed down so much in my recordings so I am trying to get myself back into the track haha, great to see good examples like you.

I haven't heard of moises before but saw your article. So it breaks up the track you want to use, and separate the layers? ( ok, I read you say it can not be perfect) but still, I think it did a good job in this one you used here.

It's definitely great to be back! I hope you managed to get back with your recordings too!

And yes, moises does a pretty good job considering it is free and very easy to use!



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This video won't fully play for me. The first few seconds sounded good anyway :)

Hmm you're right! I'm not sure what's going on because I'm sure it was working when I uploaded it!

I'll try to figure it out, thanks for letting me know!

I think 3speak can play up at times. Maybe ask on their Discord.