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RE: Morning Run: All things bright and beautiful

in EXHAUST2 years ago

Nice images, and, I was able to spot the horses.. lol
This is not near the station, is it? We walked the dogs there once through a little wood. Have to do that again, as it was lovely and we've got a TwoTogether ticket..

Interesting about the coffee and that you can buy it here! That's amazing!
Is it strong type of coffee you've got there? Can't spot a number..

The Aeropress made me chuckle, looks just like a design by Mr. Dyson.. ha ha

Well done on the run!


The horses are up the other end. It's just over the railway from the True Briton. There is a way to the meadows just up the road from me, but you can walk through from the station since they opened a path a few years back.

The coffee place have loads of different beans. He will take payment in cryptocurrency, but I have not paid that way yet.

The Aeropress is really simple, but effective. I have tried other ways, but this is convenient for making a quick cuppa.


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