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RE: Morning Run: parkrun 100, at last

in EXHAUST10 months ago

They were recommending not to take dogs

Definitely! I went out really early and it was already too hot. Couldn't sleep last night..

Apart from Hasenheide, very German :), they all look UK, right?
Do they have Parkrun in the US? I assume they would?


I slept okay now I've adjusted back to UK time.

Hasenheide is in Berlin when I ran in the snow. It was run by Brits. I wanted to do one on my trip, but there are not very many over there. The one in Boston was 5km from the hotel and we were off on a day trip, so there was no time for it. There are none in New York, but then they would need permission from a park. There are hundreds more I could do in the UK.


Good for you re sleep.. I need someone to knock me out for a few hours.. lol
Yep, one parkrun in St Neots.. I expect to see run past my house some time.. ;)

I ought to get up there some time. I just like to stay in bed a little longer at the weekend if I can.

It's due to cool down next week.

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