2022-08-30 12K Running

in EXHAUST2 years ago

argon just finished a 12.18km run, that lasted for 50 minutes.
This run helped argon burn 727.2 calories.

Description from Strava:

Distance(距離) : 12.0 km
Time(タイム) : 0:49'48"
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 4'08"/km
Average Pitch(平均ピッチ): 185 spm
Average Stride (平均ストライド): 129 cm
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 354 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 9,277
Average Heart Rate(平均心拍数): 149 bpm (Max : 168 bpm)
Estimated VO2max(推定最大酸素摂取量) : 67.0 mL/kg/min
Shoes(シューズ) : WAVE DUEL3 (total distance : 580.5 km)
Temperature(気温): 29.3~30.3℃
Wind Speed(風速): 1.4~3.0 m/s
Humidity(湿度): 68~76%
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 4’11” /km
2km 4’14” /km
3km 4’05” /km
4km 3’57” /km
5km 4’05” /km
6km 4’07" /km
7km 4’13” /km
8km 4’11” /km
9km 4’08” /km
10km 4’11” /km
11km 4’13” /km
12km 3’58” /km

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: My Personal Best ( Full Marathon ) : 2:54'37"


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You're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
For the month of August 2022, the Strava2Hive leader board will be determined by "calories burned"!

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @dannewton - 1234.4 Calories Burned
  2. @run.vince.run - 900.1 Calories Burned
  3. @argon - 727.2 Calories Burned
  4. @alzee - 595.0 Calories Burned
  5. @new.things - 316.0 Calories Burned