My Running Log 2020-06-17 <10K Easy Running> ランニング記録2020-06-17 <10Kイージーランニング>

in EXHAUST4 years ago (edited)

I just finished a 10.369km running that lasted about 0hh:47mm:50ss !




Tomorrow it will rain. So I decided to run today. But I have not yet recovered from the fatigue of yesterday's workout, so I ran only 10 km at easy pace.

In this workout, I used "WAVE RIDER" as running shoes for the first time in a long time. "WAVE RIDER"'s soles have thick cushions enough to protect my feet, but instead, it can't help me to get up to speed enough.
今回は久しぶりにWAVE RIDERで走りました。WAVE RIDERのクッションは厚いので足は保護されますが、そのかわり、スピードが出せません。

As the pace was slower, my heart rate didn't increase.

Today's running profile is as follows. ( recorded by EPSON Wristable GPS J-300 )

Distance(距離) : 10.4 km
Time(タイム) : 0:47'50"
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 4'35" /km
Average Pitch(平均ピッチ): 177 spm
Average Stride (平均ストライド): 123 cm
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 265 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 8,481
Average Heart Rate(平均心拍数): 135 bpm (Max : 148 bpm)
Estimated VO2max(推定最大酸素摂取量) : 67.8 mL/kg/min
Shoes(シューズ) : WAVE RIDER 22 (total distance : 777.1km)
Temperature(気温): 26.5~26.9℃
Wind Speed(風速): 2.9~3.3 m/s
Humidity(湿度): 40~41%
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 4’06” /km
2km 4’42” /km
3km 4’43” /km
4km 4’39” /km
5km 4’33” /km
6km 4’36” /km
7km 4’42” /km
8km 4’44” /km
9km 4’44” /km
10km 4’28” /km


Full Marathon : 2:58'09" ( The 28th Ako-Gishi Marathon, 1st December 2019 )
Half Marathon : 1:18'40" ( 2020 UNICEF CUP KOBE VALENTINE LOVE RUN, 9th February 2020 )

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 4 years ago  

You have uploaded 42 running activities, and 2 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:

Over these 2 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 21.76 kms at an average pace of roughly 4:29 min/km!
Your latest run was at a pace of approximately 4.613min/km!
Looks like you went a bit slower this time! Remember that it's important to take some rest days, and do some rehab / prehab / strength and conditioning training too! If you weren't intending to go slower, take a moment to listen to your body, and see if you need something. Check in with yourself!

Nothing can stop a consistent Runner.

Reblogged by @runningproject

...and enjoy a good recovery !BEER .

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