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RE: Morning Run: Negatively splitting

in EXHAUST3 months ago

Wow, that is pretty cool and a great way to reuse the space. I usually walk for five minutes which puts me almost to a quarter of a mile, then I run for two minutes or so and then walk for another five or so. I try to do that a couple of times. I also adjust my incline a bit. I made it three minutes straight this morning on my first run. That second two minute run my legs felt like jelly.


There are various training plans for this such as Couch to 5k. Following one of those may help. When I first started running I was exhausted after a half mile. Now that is barely a warm-up. It takes time to build the endurance.

I think that is part of my problem too. After that first two minute run, my breath is basically gone. I need to learn the proper way to breathe while I am running. I've seen the couch to 5k and our treadmill has preprogrammed stuff in it, but I haven't checked any of those out yet.

Take longer breaks if you need it so you are ready to run again.

:) I've usually only got about 20 minutes to work with in the mornings, so I have to try and fit it all into that.