Last year's sports results ...

in EXHAUST2 years ago (edited)



The photo to this post shows what a great "hope" I did have concerning the 24-hour World Cup in 2021 if COVID hadn’t changed the whole course of events. But the year was still quite interesting without it (World Cup)...

So, during 2021 11K running kilometers and several hundreds of vertical kilometers were overcome ...

The starts season began on April 3 with "Hutsul Trail 2021" from "Tvoya Pryhoda" - 52 km of distance with 3170 m of altitude gain – I had run the second, but until the 19th km of the distance I did not understand what I was doing in this state at this start ...

In between starts I became a member of #AltraRedTeam and received a running uniform in red and black colors and my first trail sneakers "Altra" "Olympus 4.0" ... from Altra Running Ukraine.

Next start was held on May 8 - the "Fun Karpaty Dynafit Trail 2021 Mountain Marathon" from "Fun Karpaty Travelers Company" - 53 km of distance with 2195 m altitude gain - I won, but ... But there was a case with Serhiy Sapiha cheating which I followed ... And what about this "grandfather"? - Nothing, because he burned that "fire play" in those Carpathians and so on ...

Then there was love ... As they say: "One Love" ... On June 4, the "10th CARPATHIA trai" I took place - 114 km distance with 8220 m of altitude gain - "Sapiga Serhiy. TrailGuide" didn't let me to relax until the last CP 4 km before the finish, but nevertheless I won that trail, from which everything started not only for me, but for all trail runners in Ukraine.

In six days, on June 11, at the invitation of Serhiy Sapiha, I started the "Night Chornohora Marathon. Summer 2021" from "Ture Komanda" - 86 km and 5350 m altitude – it was fun to start at midnight and run along the Chornohora ridge in complete darkness ... First I broke my knee in the middle of the distance ... But the "thirst for victory" drove forward ... Then I thought that I would leave my soul on Pohoriltsi and never reach Smotrych ... Then there was the endless Kosarysche and finally the finish ... Serhiyko missed somewhere on those hills and did not fight with that rude guest who took all the prize fund.

The next weekend, June 22, I started the "Gorgany Skole Ultra Trail 2021" - 101 km and 4500 m of altitude - a new competition area and constant feedbacks with the repetition of certain parts of the distance brought their zest to this start ... As a result “old local dragon was killed with "Leki" sticks”, I took a tooth and a ring. And so on...

Somewhere here I got the news that the 24-hour World Cup will not take place this year ... And it was possible to run to my heart's content without much effort...

So the next start was on June 25 - "Gorgany Race 2021 - adventure race" - 30 hours for full immersion in Skole Beskids and nearby territories ...

Then there were two weeks to recover, because on July 11 there was a very serious start: the "Championship of Ukraine in mountain running and trail" - 80 km and 5000 m altitude. There was supposed to be a serious "fight" for a free ticket to the World Cup for the trail in Thailand, but it did not work out, because one opponent did not live up to the "seriousness" of the start, and another got a little sick before... So I had to go to Thailand, but it was very doubtful even then...

Then the events unfolded with all seriousness ...

On July 16-18 in Vinnytsia the "Championships of Ukraine for 48/24/12 hours took place, races 3 and 6 hours" - it was a little warm, a little hard, but with grief halfway I reached 435,446 km and set a new record of Ukraine in this discipline and became the second person in the world, after the legendary Janis Kuros, who conquered such a distance in two days ...

Someone could not calm down and two weeks after the events in Vinnytsia on July 30 started short "BUKOMiles Trail 2021" - 108 km and 5880 m altitude - five days of temperature 37+ before the start and the competition acquires completely different "colors"… I almost died on the ascent to Petros from Yasiniv ... Well, I didn't die and that was great ... I crawled first again ...

But the best result of this year was 295,353 km, which I ran for 24 hours on August 28-29 at "UltraPark Weekend" in Poland (Pabianice) - a new record of Ukraine in this discipline (by the way, during the race I updated two more national records: 12 hours run - 155,295 km and 100 miles - 12:26:32) - and showed the third result in the history of these competitions...
It is sad to state, but that was a significant claim to occupy the prize place at the World Cup ...
Then there was a little recovery, and then I followed the provocation of the Polish ultramarathoner Paweł Żuk and in November flew to Poland (Zabrze) on "Mistrzostwa Polski w biegu 48h o Puchar ReShape and World Cup" - where for two days - on November 5-7 - I set a new world record - 410 km for 48 hours running on a treadmill... It is better not to ask how it was there, but I significantly injured my right foot ...

Well, I decided to spend the end of the season in picturesque Barcelona on "24 hores d'ultrafons en pista" where I could not get twice ... There on December 11-12 weak efforts were made to run something serious during 24 hours, but after 9 hours I felt exhausted and was completely demotivated ... If it weren't for the hot Spanish fans and the aged (57 years old) Spanish rival Nicolás De Las Heras, I would have my rest somewhere nearby instead of reaching the finish line with a result of 264,914 km.

Besides, this year I was awarded the title of "Master of Sports of Ukraine in Athletics" and twice (in July and November) was elected the best athlete of the month...

I also finished my #Brodiaharunkindchallenge and collected 50K + hryvnias through the "KIND Challenge" platform for the "Tablet charity fund" (, which supports children with cancer in Ukraine...

That's how it all happened ...

And now it's time to thank all those people without whom some of these events and achievements would not have happened:

Altra Running Ukraine for many years of support with Altra sneakers and "IDLO" for providing their delicious products for tasting at foreign starts ...
Andrey Korzh for providing sports nutrition and lanterns, Andriy Kozyr also for periodic providing of sports nutrition and information support, Sergey Vigovsky and Alexey Koval for material support for participation in the 48-hour run in Vinnytsia, Yuliy Nemesh and Co for material support for participation in the competition for 24 hours in Poland (Pabianice), Anatoliy Kolomoyets and the Athletics Federation of the Transcarpathian region for constant support!

Thanks to all those who voted for me in various polls and shared money for my charity fundraising initiative!

Special thanks to my faithful, reliable, patient and long-term helpers at the start: Natalia Chetova, Mia Lastochkina and Max - you are the best! Without you, none of that "record" would be ...

Well ... Now it is possible to move forward in the New Year, maybe this time the European 24-Hour Running Championships will not be canceled ...

There are two other characters that I continued to admire that year - it's Zhenya Nesterets - flint, not a boy! And forever young - Aleksandr Olivson - a slow but confident monster and the founding father of the Ukrainian trail and my favorite starts: "Karpatiya" and "100Bukomil" (glad that this year the Carpathian mile will be equal to two classic kilometers)!

Well, last year I owed a lot of reports for overcoming starts, so maybe during long winter evenings I'll scratch something ... If I’ll get to a normal gadget, because torturing the phone for several hours is not to run 30 km which is much easier.

#AltraRunning #AltraRunningUkraine #TeamAltra UA # Olympus4.0 # Paradigm5.0 #VanishCarbon #Brodiagarunkindchallenge


Very cool and interesting running season !!!

 2 years ago  

You've done some amazing races and training over the past year. I really look forward to hearing about your results in 2022. The issues that COVID has brought up has been really annoying and I am still waiting to have my first race in New Zealand for the 2021/2022 season, but I am still hopeful. I have been making the most of any chance I get to race, which you seem to be doing the same thing.
Good luck in 2022.