Midweek Run - keeping it consistent with an easy 10 miles

in EXHAUSTlast month

dannewton just finished a 16.92km run, that lasted for 106 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1279.0 calories.

Description from Strava: A beautiful evening for a run. It was a little later than planned, as I needed to go and work in the office today. Usually on Wednesdays I am able to work from home, and hence usually go for a run as early as possible i.e. just after 4pm.

But being in the office meant that by the time I had finished, walked down to the busstation, and caught the bus home, it was 5:45. As quick as I could, I got changed and headed out.

there could have been a problem though, as Wednesday evening is a day I usually call my partner for a catch up while she is currently attending university... fortunately she as also busy this evening, so we've rearranged the teams call for tomorrow

Anyway out I went to do the 10 mile (16km) route which has quickly become a staple in my training, especially during the week... the aim was to keep it an easy effort and stick with the Zone 2 heart rate stuff.

The run itself was uneventful, as I meandered in a loop around Branston and then through Washingborough before heading home.

The noteworthy thing was not just the little bit of sunshine, but the WARMTH! We've had highs of 19C here in Lincoln, it is the warmest (should that be mildest?) it has been all year.

Flippin' lovely out there!

In fact it looks like we've got a warm spell of weather for the next week or so, although it appears to have brought some wet weather along with it. I don't mind the rain too much, as long as it is warm enough, and quite frankly I've become bored the 5-8C temps (feeling as low as 1-2C with windchill factored in!)

I arrived back home at 7.45, which isn't too bad at this time of year... we are in May now, and the evenings are quickly getting longer and longer as Summer approaches. A quick spot of tea, and now to sit and chill for a bit.

I'll be working from home tomorrow, so will be able to do a short 'recovery-ish' run tomorrow afterwards, and then I'll be ready to settle down and catch up with Dawn. A rest day on Friday, and then we'll see what the weekend brings running wise...

I'm thinking maybe, MAYBE, Parkrun on Saturday... but hey, I've said that before and changed my mind at the last minute, so no promises!!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)



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Great work. Consistency and good running weather! !PIZZA

Long overdue some good weather... the rain returns on Sunday though!

The weather has been so variable that we seem to have had everything except for heavy snow this year already. I don't really like it too warm, but will get out when I can. I hope you can get back to parkrun, but it can be a hassle if it's not easy to get to. I may go to a different one this week.


Parkrun is on my 'to-do' list... but looking like I'll be heading elsewhere tomorrow anyway.

By the way, as an avid parkrunner, what are your thoughts on the recent changes regarding the moving away from stats? I know many people, including yourself, who treat it it as an informal time trial...

The changes do not really affect me much, but I can see both sides. The results are not meant to be taken too seriously. It is up to people what they set as their details and they may not get called out on it. It is meant to be a fun event with nobody getting paid to be hassled over rule issues. Well that's at the local level, but the leadership get to make the big decisions.

I just care about my own results and I can still see if I improved. If I had to pay for it then my views might be different.

10 miles isn't easy mate :/ but if you are regular, then you can make them easy.

easy is relative of course.... and anyway, in this context I use 'easy' to refer to 'comfortable and relaxed, not working hard'

It’s good to know a bit about your girlfriend at the university
I’m glad you enjoyed the run too

Weather was sso wonderful

#hive #posh

Similarly, if we take some time every day for our health and go for a daily walk, it will benefit us a lot.

Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @taushifahamed - 5297.5 Calories Burned
  2. @pinkhub - 4427.2 Calories Burned
  3. @navidjahanshahi - 4252.7 Calories Burned
  4. @borniet - 3280.0 Calories Burned
  5. @run.vince.run - 2674.0 Calories Burned


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@mimismartypants(1/5) tipped @dannewton