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RE: Day ride

in EXHAUST25 days ago

Hell, after 150km ride, I reckon you well on the path to mastering it!... it is physical endurance sure, but mental strength plays a huge part too, and becomes so much more important when the distance/time increases.

Wishing you luck for the Race on Sunday, I'm sure you're totally gonna smash it :-)

top tip - try to keep a slower pace to begin with for the first mile or so, its so, so easy to get carried away with the crowds (been there, done that lol). Starting slow means you can enjoy the finish as well haha

I don't have any races lined up at the minute, really need to work on that, its useful to have a goal to aim for (plus taking part in events is good fun too!)


You’re totally right - mental strength plays a huge part on it, too! 💫 Thanks for the well-wishes @dannewton - and the tip!! Very useful. I always start off a little too strong, judging by my Strava stats haha. But I’ll try and keep a clear head in the race. I’m looking forward to it. Well, joining a race makes a nice goal, and it’s fun. As an aside, I find keeping track of your runs quite motivating actually haha!