late night run [Exhaust Running Report, August 25th 2020]

in EXHAUST4 years ago (edited)

Tuesday, August 25th 2020, late at night.

It was a full day with several long meetings and even longer analysis sessions after the meetings. You know the kind ...

The run came last. I took the road down to the lower Črnuče, all asphalt and flat. When I reached the 3 K point I turned and headed back the same way. Th epace was decenet and that was all I needed tfro the day to end in style.

On the cover

Bib number for a run this Friday night in Vrhnika, 10 and 5 K distances, up to 200 participants. Yes, the running events are being held. At least some of them and despite the general situation.

All the physical activity data that I display in my @exhaust and @actifit reports is gathered with the help of Coros Pace sports watch and displayed with Coros app.

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 4 years ago  

You have uploaded 497 running activities, and 37 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:

Over these 37 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 326.62 kms at an average pace of roughly 5:54 min/km!
Your latest run was at a pace of approximately 5.438min/km!
Looks like you went a bit slower this time! Remember that it's important to take some rest days, and do some rehab / prehab / strength and conditioning training too! If you weren't intending to go slower, take a moment to listen to your body, and see if you need something. Check in with yourself!

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