April Ascent: Scaling Trails and Gaining Elevation

in EXHAUST22 days ago (edited)

Hello, friends . Today I am sharing with you all my trail running practice for the month of April.

In the month of April, I have covered 62.1 kilometers in 24 days in which I have gained 6,968 elevation.

I practice one kilometer running every day, which involves an elevation gain of about 200m, and go for ten kilometer running twice a month. I am sharing with you the link of my strava account where you can check my running activity.


Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

 22 days ago  

Awesome work @naveen.jogta keep up the running and look forward to hearing more...I will follow you on Strava as well. !LUV

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