
It is a long way to go full out, but then I need to build that speed to reach my 5km goals. I was on a walking bit when I picked the berries. There are loads around here and it looks like a good crop. They are the thorniest plants though, even on the leaves.

Do you know I've still no idea what the best way to train for improving a 5K is!

It's probably varied based on age and other characteristics - I've tended to do mainly 400 intervals and 30-20-10, 800 sessions only occassionally, but I've done a few - I'm in the mood for them sometimes.

I bought my first strawberries of the season today, I might try and get out to do some picking tomorrow, looks like it's good whether, I'll do a berry-reckie when I'm on my run!

I'm just trying to mix up my runs in hope it gives me improvement. I want to be able to run longer distances at sub-5min/km, so doing that for short stretches ought to get my legs working. But then I also need stamina and longer runs may help with that. My friend has done serious competing, so I take his advice on what should help. It is tempting to join a club where I might get some coaching. There is talk of setting one up in the village.

Our garden strawberries have finished for now, but still got a few others. Have to enjoy them whilst they last.