Morning Run

in EXHAUST2 years ago

I just finished a 25.133km running that lasted about 2hh:28mm:30ss !


My watch died about 20mins from the end so this should be about 28-29km!

Another long slow Sunday run. This time through the woods in an attempt to stay off road but get out of the wind and rain. It was 2 laps of a (almost) 15km route, the first with my dog and the 2nd with friends. My hips were aching at the end and i’m glad that I can taper now, body needs a rest! We finished at a cafe for a bacon cob and coffee ❤️ I haven’t done a 20+ mile run for a while so I’m just going to have to wing it a bit to get round the marathon on the 26th. Will be packing ibuprofen and plasters. It’s got to be easier than a 45 miler eh?!



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 2 years ago (edited) 

Nice work on a big run and the reward at the end totally looks worth it.

That's quite a run. Was windy on my run today, but the rain held off until after lunch. Good luck with the marathon. Maybe I'll do one eventually.


I hope so :) it’s worth it for the food alone

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