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RE: Morning Run: Brisk

in EXHAUST5 months ago

I think its something that changes as we age, I use to be an owl but my body just cant handle it anymore, it was obvious that after been up so late I was sleeping for a good amount of hours in the morning so waking up early was not an option, now days when Im getting closer to 40s its the opposite although during the day I still feel full of energy, exerciser does help, when I was young I always ask myself why I keep waking up late and it was stupid but the answer, go to bed early and you will be more productive 🤦‍♂️


With my last job I needed to be up at 6am to avoid the traffic to work. I can get up later now, but even on days off I am likely to be up by 8. I am not really into staying up late. As I run at weekends I like to get that done before breakfast. We are all different.