Morning Run: Hounded

in EXHAUST8 months ago

steevc just finished a 10.7km run, that lasted for 67 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 879.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
After yesterday's parkrun I was feeling a little stiff, but still wanted to run today. It was looking a little grey and windy out there, but not too cold, so off I went.

It was the usual loop. The fallen leaves are thick on the ground, but I did not slip on them. I saw someone have a little slip on leaves when out shopping yesterday. The council ought to sweep the busy areas.

Up at Fairfield I was chased for a while by a small dog that was barking a lot and ignoring the calls of its owner. It gave up without trying to bite me. The wind was not too bad really.

I took some back alleys through Stotfold and then ran near the little river. I passed the gold postbox that was done in honour of local cyclist Victoria Pendleton winning at the 2012 London Olympics.

When I got to Arlesey I did not extend the run much as it was going to be over 10km anyway. I was feeling like I had done enough.It is more a matter of various aches rather than heart and lung capacity. These could just be signs of getting old.

As usual I have some jobs to do today. Some of those are outside, so I hope it stays dry.

Run free!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
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This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. - 0.0 Calories Burned
  2. - 0.0 Calories Burned
  3. @svanbo - 0.0 Calories Burned
  4. @ervin-lemark - 0.0 Calories Burned
  5. @toofasteddie - 0.0 Calories Burned

the gold postbox

Cool!! She's lovely, Victora!

Way to go! That's a great pace! Nothing like burning off a lot of calories! The hardest part is sticking with the exercise routine, and you're doing great.

Cheers. It is a routine for me. parkrun is a good incentive to try and improve.

I got a lot of walking done in Lisbon as a tourist, but haven't been for a proper walk since getting back. I need some of your discipline 😂

I always walk a lot when I'm on holiday as it's a great way to explore. I need to keep up the running through the winter, so I hope the weather is not too bad.



Sorry about how you feel today
I feel you could have just rested instead of trying to run

Thanks for your concern, but I'm fine and I know when I can run.

Here in the park where we go for a walk in the morning, there is no cleaning at all.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nupulse(3/15) tipped @steevc

Jajajaja te persigue un 🐕 eso en ocasiones cuando corría me sacaba de concentración, una piensa que lo va morder o algo así..

Grounded in the run for so long