Morning Run: Things can only get wetter

in EXHAUST28 days ago

steevc just finished a 6.93km run, that lasted for 42 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 511.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
I know I have some readers outside the UK on Hive who may not know that our PM called a general election for July 4th. He did it outside 10 Downing Street in the pouring rain, so he got soaked. It has rained a lot this week. From some buckets in our garden it looks like about 5cm in a few days.

I was at our pub music session last night with a good crowd of others. It was good fun as usual. There is an open mic up the road tonight, so I may go to that too.

I would have run yesterday if it had not been raining. It was dry today, so off I went. There were not too many puddles, but I did find the big one in the photo and it was a little slippery around the edge. There were not too many people around, but I did see that some travellers have camped by Fairfield. It was just one caravan and a few cars plus a dog tied to a kennel. No doubt some people are keeping an eye on them as they can be seen as troublesome.

My run was uneventful otherwise. It was hard at the start, but I tried to push harder as I warmed up.

I saw one of the ladies from parkrun on the way back. I will miss it on Saturday, but will try to fit in some running when I can.

To finish I will say that this is a big year for elections around the world. I think we should all vote if we can. That may mean registering or having particular ID, so check what you need. Politics can seem messed up, but we should support those who have good intentions rather than those who just want to disrupt for the benefit of a few.

Run free and stay free.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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I skipped working out this morning. I will likely get back to it tomorrow, but we just kind of felt like sleeping in for another half hour today. We haven't had too much rain. It's interesting how they just randomly call elections there. We have a fixed schedule over here.

I think this government changed the rules again on when elections can be. There is some deadline they have to do it by, but they can call it earlier as it suits them. Your elections will be 'interesting' too.

Yeah, don't even get me started on all of that... I just want it to be over so we can move forward (hopefully).

2024 indeed is a year full of changes world wide with so many elections going on, we recently had ours, the result inspiring since there is a LOT of new people and political parties basically lost, I also kept telling everyone to go vote because if they dont then are basically part of the problem, those who abuse power exploit those moments controlling they few they can

Some politicians will try to put people off voting. They made ID mandatory here even though there is hardly any voting fraud, but young people cannot use things like student ID and they may not have a driving licence or passport. Old people can use their travel passes.

Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @thishuman - 6666.0 Calories Burned
  2. @pinkhub - 3980.0 Calories Burned
  3. @navidjahanshahi - 3440.1 Calories Burned
  4. @michelmake.util - 2676.0 Calories Burned
  5. @svanbo - 2632.0 Calories Burned

What’s election usually like in the UK?
Is it always peaceful?
For example, it’s always rough and bloody here in Nigeria

It's generally peaceful and well organised.

Good run after the rain. Gotta pay special attention to the edges of the puddles. If I see one like that I stop and take photos of the reflections hahaha...

I hope the Elections in your country go well.

Wow Steevc, really really good talk on Getting Things Done" is really resonating with me. To be him It's a constant struggle to balance productivity and downtime. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights. I'm very enlightened brother. Is that pot holes Insee
