Morning Run - Heavy legs

in EXHAUST3 years ago (edited)

I just finished a 8.709km running that lasted about 0hh:49mm:54ss !


The forecast as of last night was for a fair bit of rain today, but it was okay when I got up. I had the luxury of not needing to rush, so I had some breakfast before my run. Outside it was not too cold. I was feeling run down on Sunday after my run, but that may have been the after-effects of the COVID jab the day before. I seem to be over that, but as with several runs lately by legs just did not feel right as I started running. They feel heavy and like I can barely run, but I manage to keep going.

I went for 30-20-10 short intervals today for the first time in a while to try and get my body working. I seems I did have it in me to go fairly quick (for me) on the 10s sprints, but it was hard work.

When I got to Etonbury school I turned onto the track that goes north between the fields and followed it to Astwick, turning back when I reached the road at the other end. I completed the last set of sprints not long after starting back, and had a little walk as I was feeling exhausted. Then it was mostly a gentle jog back.

Along that track I saw a kestrel hovering over the small trees. As I got closer it moved further on ahead to hover again, but the second time I caught up it flew away. I love to see birds of prey as they show wildlife is managing to exist alongside humans.

The run back felt really long, but I was managing to maintain a reasonable pace for me. I just needed another short walk near the station as the arch of my right foot started hurting. I started running again and it seems okay now.

By the time I got home I was ready to stop and very sweaty. As I got to our house my son was just heading out on his run. He tends to just do the same 5km and says he can get down to around 25 minutes. At his age that should be easily achievable, but it is about my limit on a good day. He seems more intent on muscling up and does various strength exercises in his room as he cannot get to the gym for now.

I rained a little just now, but we could get more later. Yesterday I was doing some work in the garden, but will have to see how it is later if I want to do more.

Run free and stay well.


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My arm hurt pretty badly the day or two after I got my first injection. I think they might have got it into the muscle or something. We had a fair bit of ice and snow on the roads this morning. Pretty typical given this is Michigan and Spring starts at the end of the week. We will likely still see snow into May. Nice job on your run!

My arm is still sore if I touch it, but not too bad. It's just cold and wet here. I doubt we will see any more snow this winter, not that we had much.

you run a lot I will probably give up after 5:m run I look up to you for your good health

When I started running a few years ago I could only do five minutes. You have to train to get better and I think it does me good.

I will try to because i am getting fat

Eat well and get more exercise. You will feel better for it.

thanks i will

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