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RE: Kiss Clutter Goodbye: Simplify Your Space, Simplify Your Life

in HiveGhana • last month

Mede3 I Never tried to put anything back o🤣
When they come and see that I’ve dirtied the house I will just cry my way out and viola! I’m free

Anyway, now that I’m old I practice the clean as you go
It works like magic
Your space would always be looking brand new all the time.

 last month  

You need canes.😂😂😂

It’s better and it really keeps you sane.😂 can’t loose my mind because I have a billion dishes to to.

Oh oh😂

I know right

I knew I will definitely find you here
This is were you belong 😂

When the come and see the dirty house you did... You cry after crying you will definitely rearrange it yourself

Me I don’t arrange anything after crying🤣

You will soon cry