in HiveGhana9 months ago

Assalam u alaikum How are you all? I hope you are well. Today I am first time sharing a hiveghana Challenge topic for trust in a relationship. Today I will talk to you about relationship trust in my own words.

Whatever the relationship, trust is essential,
When someone things about the most significant quality in a family member, a friend, or a person he or she meets new, the term 'trust’ immediately comes to mind. It is something that one cannot ignore. It has always been there in human nature. There are different variations with in the trust for example naked trust or dry trust etc. Therefore, trust is a complex fragile term involved in a person's day-to-day life. It plays an important role in forming or creating rifts in relationship and is present in everyone's life from birth till death even if he/she is not aware of it. A group of lab partners was having a heated argument among themselves one hour before their lab report was due. They had divided
their work by forming two teams. Unfortunately, both the groups came up with different calculations. Tension and sweat had stormed everybody's faces. In this case, Mike, a student is known for his genius thinking spoke up "Guys! Trust me. I'm sure my group did it right. ''Trust!" John cried out with a sense of frustration and cation in his voice. Everyone around the table also pounced on this pitiful world.
While poor disappointed Mike retreated back to his original position on his stool. Trust is an integral part of everybody's day to day life.

Overall, Trust is a maze, which is hard to solve a barrier in life, and an extraordinary feeling which sometimes leaves all of us vulnerable in front of those ignorant and inhumane turncoats. Trust can be found in ordinary things, for example, a pet relying on its owner for food and care, or it can also be seen in complex and many serious issues.