A never ending journey called Love

in HiveGhana2 months ago

Love is a beautiful thing. And for many, a source of joy and fulfillment. However, as our faces differ so does our versions of love, how we perceive it, and how we show it.

Today, I'll be sharing with you my own version of love.


In my young life. I've experienced love from different people(friends, family, romantic partners, colleagues). And with each individual was a unique experience. From some, it was a sweet experience, others…not so much, while others, it was a bitter-sweet experience. But all these experiences have contributed greatly in shaping the man I am today.

As an individual, I have a number of "love languages". But will focus on the top three of these languages for now. Don’t forget to share some of yours in the comment section.

Without further ado, let’s go!

First of all, there’s gotta be adequate Communication! I'm big on communication. To show you how powerful communication is, it was the only way God prevented the people of Babel from completing their tower. I am introverted in nature, hence not open to just anyone about personal matters, except for those closest to me. In the same way, I feel special when someone talks to me about their problems, their views etc. To me, that's a bonding moment!


Secondly, Reciprocity. It can be exhausting and severely draining to be in a one sided relationship where you’re the one giving, doing, and making, while all your partner does is receive, receive and receive! No reciprocation! That is toxic! I believe love blossoms the most where effort is appreciated and returned! Perfect people don’t exist, but perfect relationships do! A relationship where imperfect people match each other’s energy and work hand in hand to make things work is a perfect relationship! Reciprocate the energy you receive fam!

Lastly, Quality Time. Just as it is with everything else, spending time with someone/on something gives in-depth knowledge about that person/thing. It’s not rocket science! And automatically, we as living beings naturally have the desire to spend time with things we love…could be a phone, our jobs a pet, or another individual. Don’t create a gap between you and your loved one. Spend time doing fun activities……BOND!


It's important to remember that everyone feels and shows love in different ways. Some people feel loved when they receive gifts, some feel loved when they are hugged, and some feel loved when they spend time with others. The important thing is to understand how the people we care about feel loved, and to show them love in the way that they understand and appreciate.

That's it fam!
until another time




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