How I Overcame Procrastination. And How You Can Too!

in HiveGhana2 months ago


Habits play a crucial role in shaping our lives and determining our levels of productivity. For many individuals, including myself, habits can be a double-edged sword, either propelling us towards success or holding us back from reaching our full potential.

Now, I don't categorize myself as a hard worker. But over time I’ve been able to develop some effective habits that have boosted my productivity to greater heights. Some of them include less screen time, reading daily, and most importantly, exercise. By adding exercise into my daily routine, I have experienced increased mental clarity and efficiency in completing tasks..

However, one habit that has often hindered my productivity is…

You probably guessed right!


Procrastination wants to finish me! But it will not succeed….lol

This single habit has been a significant roadblock to me achieving goals and completing projects on time. I have found myself falling into this trap more times than I care to admit, allowing distractions and excuses to derail my progress. And just like me, a lot of us have been held back by this simple, yet deadly habit.

But you know what?

I was able to conquer it!

Like the saying goes…”where there's a will, there's a way!” I discovered an effective strategy to overcome procrastination and boost my productivity.


By simpy adding a reward system!

I reward myself whenever I've completed a task.

I love enjoyment. So sometimes, I take myself out for an ice-cream treat. Other times, it could be suya, or shawarma treats. Few times, I go for a movie night as well. And man that has boosted my productivity a 100 fold!

It has been able to motivate me to stay focused and on track.

In addition to combating procrastination, I have also cultivated several positive habits that have significantly contributed to my productivity. One such habit is time blocking, where I allocate specific blocks of time to different tasks throughout the day. This method helps me prioritize my workload, maintain focus, and avoid feeling overwhelmed by multiple responsibilities.

Furthermore, practicing mindfulness and meditation has been quite effective in reducing stress and enhancing my concentration. Taking a few moments each day to center myself and clear my mind allows me to approach tasks with a renewed sense of calmness. This mental clarity has been invaluable in improving my decision-making skills and problem-solving abilities.

In conclusion, we are all creatures of habits. And by identifying and cultivating positive habits while actively working to overcome negative ones, we can improve our performance and achieve our goals more effectively.



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A great way to overcome procastination.