Women Deserves Every Right

in HiveGhana19 days ago

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This question is tricky and one that needs deep thinking to be able to answer correctly. The truth is, there's no doubt that women have the right to their bodies and as such, should have the right to decide if they want to have a baby or not, if they are ready to be saddled with the responsibility that comes with being pregnant, nurturing themselves and the baby and taking care of the child from infancy to adulthood and lastly if they want to keep the baby.

It is no child's play when it comes to being pregnant, carrying the pregnancy up to terms, and then, nurturing and caring for the child till the child is an adult and old enough to take care of themselves. A few days ago, I wasn't feeling well, so I had to visit the hospital because I had taken all the medication that I needed but I wasn't still stable, my hormones were playing tricks on me, and chest pain, a constant headache that affected my eyes, I was having difficulty keeping up with the so many things around me offline, losing concentration in school and class work and I also losing interest in everything around me, too many things that I had to visit the hospital especially afraid that I wasn't already entering my menopause stage.

Lol, that was silly right, but I had to be sure and make sure I was good because I had so much doing especially my school work, because I could feel it affecting my ability to read for tests, my ability to concentrate, even writing of assignments given to me felt too much of a task and difficult, exams are around the corner, so I wasn't ready to have an "F" after coming this far in my result.

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Well, while I was waiting for my turn, a scream erupted from the inner chambers that sent all of us into ecstasy and sent the nurses on duty running to check what was happening, only to realize that it was coming from the pregnant woman's ward, from what I gathered, a particular woman was supposed to be due two days ago but because her water hasn't dilated, the doctors were checking her as a result, she felt pain somewhere which resulted to the scream.

She is ass asked to move around the hospital to help her, I could see the pain in her eyes, when she was walking around, he swollen legs, and her heavy body, I think at a point she wished the baby could just come, so she can have rest from carrying the baby for nine months. I got back home after doing my necessary check-up, and I was running a temperature.

We can not talk enough about the pains, body changes, and stress women go through while trying to birth to a baby, as such, women deserve the right to their bodies and have the right to decide what they want to happen to their bodies and what should be done on their body. So if any woman decides that they are not ready or in the right frame of mind to carry a child up to terms and decides that abortion is the best option, I think it is fair especially if it is risky to her health and advised by her doctors.

I remember telling someone on one of my social media platforms, "If a woman going into marriage or after going through the stress of pregnancy decides that childbearing is enough thing to bring to the table, for those men who ask what they bring to the table, it shouldn't be downplayed because it is the truth, especially by those who have not been in that shoe. No two women face the same crises or pregnancy challenges in the same way and time.

As much as we can not downplay the role of good, responsible, and supportive husbands and men, women deal with 100% of the body changes, the pain, losing their memories, and a whole lot of things that come with childbirth, so it is enough reason for a woman to have a right to her body and decide what stays and what shouldn't.

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It's her body, so a woman has the right to decide. I know it is every woman's joy to experience the joy that comes with childbearing, especially during marriage because we all know the crisis and challenges that women face when they are unable to birth children even if they are not the problem, but yet still the society and world at large blames the woman for being unable to bear a child for her spouse forgetting that there are cases where it is because of the man's inability, yet, the man is left alone and everyone faces the woman, blames the woman and start giving her too many cure or solution to a problem she isn't. Ranging from different concoctions to prayer houses and many more things we can think of.

As such, if a woman decides that against all odds, she would go with abortion because she can not take up the responsibility and isn't ready to be saddled with the changes and challenges that come with childbearing, then she should be left to make that decision. As much as I am not in support of abortion, especially from careless girls, who go about doing it like it is all they've got with their lives, I am also not in support of women keeping a pregnancy they wouldn't want to keep because the society kicks against abortion. Good thing some hospitals have recommended abortion as a safest way out in critical situations.

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