in HiveGhana28 days ago


The future's in your hands! Imagine you can bring one thing back from extinction. Would it be a majestic creature like the dragon, or a forgotten cultural tradition?

The rise in technological advancements in our modern world is making a lot of our cultural identity and tradition loose it's value and significance in our lives. While we were growing up in the 90s there was less dependence of stuffs that could endanger our lives, rather we were content with natural produce that made us fall less sick and lead a happy life. But reverse has been the case ever since technology brought about high intense chemicals to fasten the growth of crops and so on, production of mobile phones that eradicated the good old days of sending letters to loved ones and have realistic conversations with lovers and friends gathered under the the tree receiving fresh air.

Recently, some friends and I were discussing about how our cultural traditions uh becoming extinct in their face of technology and this is true in many areas of our life that we have succumbed to technology taking the most priority in our life and existence as human beings. Our instance during the cause of the discussion we talked about how our forefathers and our mothers back in the days used to be held the and can take on any activity at any time. We would see how our women were so agile and beautiful with great strength and ability to carry out they are duties. These women will go to the farm in the morning return back at night take care of the family prepare food which was mostly pounded yam and egosi soup as was common in a tradition in the olden days.

In those days, yes they were sicknesses but it was not as extreme and as difficult as it is in our present days then the food we ate was basically organic not like most of our foods in our present day is chemically invested just to fasting the growth of that product or to gain more profits at the expense of a person's health. Then when our forefathers were sick they would go to the Bush to gather leaves that they would cook and drink to cure their sicknesses and it will worked. One thing I consider that has gone into extinction but people are trying to bring them back, considering the fact that purchasing of medicines in pharmacies are so expensive than most people cannot afford it hence we are trying to go back to our roots.

Put on a group recently where they were discussing about women's health and reproductive system, apparently unlike the olden days where women were fertile at a younger age even to the age of 50 things have taken a different one in our modern way to the extent that a girl of 20 years can be diagnosed of fibroid which is a very dangerous stage to experience that. Most women are faced with different health conditions that range from PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst and many more. All these are products of are environment where our lifestyles have been contaminated by either eating processed foods or inhaling bad air which in turn disrupts our hormonal balances. In our present day 90% of women have issues knowingly or unknowingly with their uterus and there is no known treatment except surgery.

In this case people are going back to their roots by engaging in the use of natural spices and eating healthy diets that are organic and reach in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Even during the covid-19 pandemic we see how people bought home and abroad referred back to nature for cure by means of boiling natural spices like ginger, turmeric, garlic, cloves and so on.

In Conclusion, my point exactly is that we as Africans who are so vast in natural herbs because God has blessed our land with great vegetation that has various properties that can boost our health but we are relegated it to the background and focused on modern medicine for fast healthy system.

Images in this blogs were taken by me using my smartphone.
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You know this lifestyle is not extremely out of extinction? In Ghana, there are people who live like this. They rely on natural spices and herbs and all that . Truly, if you see them, you can even tell that they’ve been living a really good and healthy lifestyle.
If only we could all adapt to that…it’s unfortunate that civilization has taken a huge hold of us.

Truly there are people who live healthy and others who are dependent on chemically processed foods that has negative effects as well.

The worse is the felling of trees and erection of buildings in every small space. Theres not even enough ventilation anymore.
Recently a cousin gave birth and a certain herb was required bevause she had to cpok and drink it for her baby's sake. It was nowhere around. You needed to have seen the far distance travelled to go get it. Upon seeing it, i remembered we used to have it at the back of out house back in the day. But see what infrastructural development has done.
Imagine it was a critical condition.

So true I remember when we will just plant herbs and vegetables around homes but unlike now there is virtually no space for all of that again too bad

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