in HiveGhana3 months ago (edited)

Good morning my lovely one's. How are you all doing today? I hope you slept well? I am grateful for a great opportunity for me to be alive today. What a great thing to be alive no matter how things are and still striving to make our life a better place to dwell on. I am grateful for this great family being set up for us by @hiveghana community and I really want to appreciate them and all the members for their support to me. Today I will love to discuss a little about this amazing question "if I am given a chance to choose wether to spend a day without food or a day without my phone? which one am I going to choose.


In the world we are living now, it's quite fortunate that almost everything one do is mostly digital and almost everything we do also requires strength and energy to do that and this makes this decision a disturbing one. Being a student, it's quite a thriving thing to be without my phone because almost all the information I need for both my school and my happiness 85% of them is mostly digital and all in one way or the other rely on my phone. Both in comparison, I don't see any reason to choose my phone before my food because food is an essential thing for the existence and sustainability of man.

Seeing the benefits of food to me makes me to choose food no matter the benefits of my phone. Although phone gives me joy, information, and at times is my source of income but in terms of comparison I don't compare it with food why? Because of the amazing benefits of food. Which are:
Nutrition: Food gives fundamental supplements like carbs, proteins, fats, nutrients, and minerals that are important for the body's development, improvement, and generally speaking wellbeing and this is very necessary for human existence and living.
Energy: Food fills in as a wellspring of energy to fuel physical processes, exercises, and digestion. Starches, specifically, are the body's essential energy source.
Health: Consuming a decent eating regimen wealthy in organic products, vegetables, entire grains, and incline proteins can assist with lessening the gamble of persistent sicknesses like coronary illness, diabetes, and certain diseases.
Pleasure and social connection: Food isn't just fundamental for actual wellbeing yet in addition makes a great impact in friendly communications, social practices, and profound prosperity. Offering dinners to friends and family can cultivate holding and make significant encounters and serve as a source of maintenance of friendship between one another. So therefore seeing the great benefits of food to me that makes to decide to chose food more before my phone.
But in all let's cultivate the habit of eating a healthy diet at all times because it will help in nourishing our body and maintenance of a healthier living.
Thank you all for reading my post and I will love to see your comment about your view. Thanks 💓💓


Okay understood, you are a foodie. Hehe that's good to choose too

Yeah and am happy for that because I Know the benefits I derived from it. What of u are u?

Of course it’s not even about liking food but the benefits from eating a healthy food
You can’t really compare it to whatever you’ll get from using your phone the whole day

I agree with you about that. Thanks

You’re welcome