My love for checkers

in HiveGhana7 months ago (edited)



Ever since I was a child, I had been a lover of game, even though I love playing games, there's are some I have never tried due to my hatred for it.

Sports and games plays a big role for all round development and it's very important in our daily routine together with educational routine, especially during childhood because it helps to shape our personalities.

Indoor games, especially the one that requires intelligence quotient like draught, scrabble etc helps in sustaining physiology balance.
Some years back when I use to visit my uncle who was a psychiatrist before he travelled out of the country, I have seen alot of cases where patient plays indoor games and I asked him why they were allowed to, he smiled and said it's part of the recovery process.

It's good to play different games everyday or try as much to learn new games everytime, it assists us to tackle some problems and profer us solutions to them.


There are so much indoor and outdoor games but my favorite of them is DRAUGHT otherwise called CHECKERS.
In my family even my community at large, the only game we play is LUDO, our parents believed it's a game that helps us children academically especially quantitative subjects, for people that knows much about LUDO GAME, it's a game that requires intuition not only your luck to come across good figures.

But it was always boring to me, when you don't have a good figure you will definitely loose, it pisses me alot especially when I don't have a good figure, so I decided to find an alternative.

Fortunately, I have an area brother that works in lagos but comes around sometimes, he came home that time and I told him to teach me because I knew he was good at it.
He concurred and I made the board, he started teaching and I was enjoying it. Sometimes I'll get home and play on my own, I became addicted that I was better than the person that taught me.

Draught is not a game of luck like, you have to be able to think deeply, every step matters and a slight mistake would cost you a defeat.
I became so good that I got involved in checkers competition which some I won and some I was a runner up. I so much love it and I therefore dare anyone for a challenge, it may be online...let's goo....


I have never played these games before, but I know I can learn fast if I am thought. Hehe

Well it's easy and not easy to learn depending on your dedication to it.