Quick and easy meals on busy days:My recipe.

in HiveGhanalast month (edited)

Hello everyone. Good morning and welcome to my blog. It's been a great week so far. Special thanks to @hive.ghana for this week's prompts. It's so interesting and entertaining.

Reading through the prompts , the very first thing that got my attention to write on wasQuick and easy meals. After a very long and busy day, you het home and maybe there's nothing to eat, and you're not a takeout kinda person. Its always hard.

Especially for students like us, who sometimes have back to back lectures. Yes there are bukas, restaurants and even eateries but sometimes cooking at home is even cost saving and satisfying than food from outside.


We've been asked to share our recipes and steps. After a very long and busy day, the first thing that comes to mind to do once I get home is preparing pasta. And I make sure not to lack packs of pasta at home.

Steps on how to prepare am easy-to-go pasta.

  1. Get a pack of pasta, break it into pieces.
  2. Before breaking it there must have been a pot of water on fire. It should be boiling by the time you are done breaking it.
  3. I add some drops of vegetable oil or groundnut oil into the boiling water. I do this so the pasta won't stick to each other.
  4. Pour in the pasta into the boiling water. It should be ready in 5 minutes. Your timer can help do this.
  5. Get your tomatoes, onions, vegetables, spices and other ingredients ready.
  6. In a well dried pot, pour in any oil of your choice (groundnut oil, palm oil, vegetable oil or even olive oil), a little salt and then tomatoes, and every other ingredients.
  7. I like to put everything at once in the sauce, except the vegetables. Stir and taste to see if everything is ok.
  8. Pour in your pasta into the mix. I like it this way because it doesn't take time to get done.
  9. Cover the pot and allow to simmer.
  10. Add the vegetables and viola.... your pasta is ready.

Note: The steps might be plenty but it doesn't take up to 15 minutes to get ready.


Quick and easy meals are popular and beneficial for many people. Its time-saving. Quick and easy meals allow individuals with busy schedules to prepare and enjoy a nutritious meal without spending a lot of time in the kitchen. This is especially useful for those balancing work, school, and family responsibilities.

It's also convenient .Quick and easy meals often require minimal ingredients and simple preparation methods, making them convenient for those who may not have advanced cooking skills or access to big cooking equipment.

Just like I said before, quick and easy meals are cost-effective. Simple meals that can be prepared quickly are often more affordable than dining out or purchasing pre-made meals. This can help individuals save money on food costs.

Many quick and easy meal options focus on using fresh, whole ingredients like fruits, vegetables,etc By preparing meals at home, individuals can have more control over the ingredients and portion sizes, making it easier to make healthier choices. Quick and easy meal options can help reduce the stress associated with meal preparation, allowing individuals to focus on other priorities.


Lastly, quick and easy meals offer a practical solution for busy individuals looking to maintain a healthy diet, save time, and reduce the stress associated with meal preparation.

Thank you for stopping by.

Best regards ❤️

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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My heart started hurting when you said break it into pieces
Eishhh if you break pasta into pieces before cooking, how will you now do the thing where you use fork to take a longggg pasta🥹