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RE: Data For Money

in HiveGhanalast month

It's a crazy world out there with web2. Funny thing is that they've integrated their apps into our daily lives so much that we cannot seem to do without them. Facebook is the most diabolical of them all, the way they monetize a person's data without giving anything back to them is coy


I personally don’t use Facebook anymore. X is probably the only web2 app I’m active on.

Funny thing is that they've integrated their apps into our daily lives so much that we cannot seem to do without them

Exactly. They’ve studied us to the core and as a friend told me a few days ago, some of these platforms know us better than even ourselves because of how much data they’ve collected of us and how much monitoring they do on us.

As far as giving anything back to them goes, most people are content with the long hours of dopamine they get from using these web2 apps.